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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. Asking your DBs to cover for 10 seconds while the opponent's QB is given enough time call for dinner reservations is asking a little too much IMO.
  2. AMEN Brother! I saw it posted somewhere that in the last 15 yrs Auburn is a combined 12-34 over LSU/UGA/UA in 46 games for a 26% winning percentage vs our 3 main rivals and that's during our hay-day of '10/'13 w/Cam & Nick. It's hard to grasp just how far this program has fallen into irrelevance.
  3. We (fans) are being asked to ignore the coaching and play calling this year. We're being told it's a throw-away season and CHF only has the time, focus and effort to recruit. Forget the unprofessional appearance of our players & coaches in Tiger Walk as there just isn't time for Hugh to care about what his players, staff & program looks like ---- he's recruiting. We should excuse the lack of effort, energy and enthusiasm from the players because Hugh's focus is elsewhere. We need to ignore the coach's failure to prepare the players for an opponent that just took them behind the woodshed and beat the ever-loving crap out of the team. This is a trash season, everyone's focused on recruiting, so it doesn't matter what the on-the-field product looks like the 5*'s are coming!!!!
  4. I agree Mikey. They've been beating the drum, passing hats, Bruce/Butch/Hugh on their stumping at alumni events begging for donations all year. We are 6 weeks away from year-end and OTV has mustered up 1,600 members. Auburn has a huge alumni base that rank among the highest paid graduates in the conference, so it's not like the devout Auburn Family doesn't have the money to donate.
  5. I always see this posted by a lot fanbases during the 1st year of a new head coach. In reality there are very few similarities between most coaches and Saban, different personalities, coaching philosophies and demeanor.
  6. Off the top of my head: Chad Morris - Arkansas Jeremy Pruitt - Tennessee Matt Luke - Ole Miss Dan Mullen - Florida
  7. Saban looks old, tired, and worn out (disengaged), it was thought he was down and had lost interest, that the program would take a major step back and others could gain the upper hand on the tide. If anyone's cared to watch them, it's been a steady & gradual improvement in the fundamentals and overall discipline by the players. And whoever the hell is waving that magic wand making those half-time adjustments deserves a massive raise, because those adjustments have been glaringly obvious and instrumental in their success.
  8. I'd be happy with some semblance of consist success. Improvement where we can somehow achieve back-to-back 9 win or miraculously b2b 10-win seasons would be wonderful.
  9. He was worse. Harsin at least won a few SEC games.
  10. IMO, it's more of a former "QB2 held us up for ransom (NIL $$) w/mom worrying us to death and when QB2 didn't get his way he left the team temporarily", then QB2 decides to re-join the team and gets zero PT in the next game SO Holden gets the QB2 designation from here on out.
  11. My bad - I don't know WTH I was looking at. Yeah, they suck! They fired the OC and won in the Swamp.
  12. Vandy's OUT - will not qualify. Arkansas is IN - they already qualify by getting their 6th win when they beat Florida. Florida has to play @LSU/@Mizzou/FSA, I don't see them wining 2 of those 3 games to become bowl eligible. USCe has to play Vandy/Kentucky/Clemson, I don't see them winning all 3 of those games to become bowl eligible. MSU has to play @aTm/SoMiss/OleMiss, I don't see them winning 2 of those 3 games to become bowl eligible. Auburn's chances improve for bowl selections. Music City here we come!
  13. Andalusia is top shelf in HS football - I'd think the staff would want to solidify the recruiting pathway at this HS and signing Phat would do that for the future, especially if he shows out in the O&B down the road. I trust the coaches though, they know what they're doing.
  14. It feels like he's two-timing us though. Kinda like a guy feels when his middle-school girlfriend starts talking to another guy.
  15. I look to see even more awards next week after these guys are done taking Vandy to the woodshed! Keep piling 'em up guys.
  16. I think Hugh gave the proper answer when he mentioned half a dozen times that we'd "played 4 ranked teams" the last 4 weeks. Of course, rankings don't mean everything, but there's a noticeable gap between the ranked & unranked teams and the talent disparity is glaring when they compete against each other. MSU is a really bad team, Auburn pretty much had their way with them, and our talent was able to outshine theirs.
  17. Cheesy Dabo put Clemson on CFB's map, period. But now that "church money" used to pay their players became legal with NIL and now it's a bidding war for recruits. His religion won't allow him to dive deep into the portal for fear of compromising the "culture" he's built at Clemson. He just doesn't like the dirtiness of having to outbid other schools, he thinks the Clemson family & religion atmosphere he built at Clemson the last 10 yrs should be all it takes to attract top football players.
  18. Sometimes folks have nothing better to do than analyze & criticize. A four-game losing streak had folks in a mood for a full month, it's hard to get out of a rut like that.
  19. Reporters these days have absolutely zero sense of respect for Head Coaches at any level. It's asinine and a huge turnoff for listeners.
  20. What signals would we want to steal from a bottom-feeder opponent? They are just horrible this year.
  21. Playing a weak opponent without their starting QB in JHS helps Auburn shine in every facet of the game. Cutting out that idiotic QB carousel helped the offense shine, Freeze should've listened to his fans many weeks ago and made that change much earlier. Relative to McGriff/Roberts, there's 2 sides to every story. At the end of the day these are veteran coaches in their profession. I think Freeze handled the altercation well and managed it as well as he could.
  22. JerryAU


    I remember rival fans calling him "Rumlin Sumlin" when he started at aTm yrs ago.
  23. Alright now Dewayne, that hits just a little too close to home, doesn't it? 😬
  24. NIL folks would be wise to spread the wealth and give everyone a taste. What big ugly in the trenches working his tail off in the weight room, classroom, the practice field and listening to his coach crawl his ass for pennies while his QB is pulling in thousands a month?
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