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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. I wonder if the SEC will just keep the normal schedules for 2024 and plug in UT/OK to replace the rotating opponent slot for that year? Then they can re-evaluate once UT/OK join and take another vote for the 9-game format. Seems that would've been the simplest way to deal with the '24 season.
  2. I don't hate UT/OK, I hate expansion in general and never wanted the SEC to grow 12 teams. I fail to see what value Mizzou has brought to this conference, or aTm for that matter? But I understand times are changing, and the SEC had to take the upper hand to secure the highest-level teams they could get through expansion. On we grow busting at the seams.
  3. That's Sankey sticking it to Saban for whining publicly about uat's proposed 3 permanents in the 9-game scenario and then campaigning to sway the SEC schedule vote last week. Why Auburn chose to side with Saban on an 8-game schedule I'll never understand? Act like a crybaby to get your way and see what it gets you later. lol
  4. It appears from the outside looking in that the law enforcement and justice system in Lee County is bought and paid for by the wealthy. There's just no other way to explain the numerous second chances and lenient discipline/punishment this degenerate kid has received. He's currently in Lee County Jail for crying out loud with 6 counts of child pornography and somehow miraculously skirted going to an actual prison after everything he's done. He should be in Holman/Donaldson or any other Level III prison, at minimum a Level II prison in Bullock County serving hard time, not in Lee Cty Jail where it's convenient for his family to visit. Until this guy gets a real taste of prison life, no rehabilitation will get through that thick skull.
  5. His family has long known their kid is a degenerate that rebels against any authority. He failed drug tests when he was on house arrest after killing the Bramblett's and his parents got those cleaned up with his probation officer. He racked up additional speeding & reckless driving tickets after he killed the Bramblett's and while he was on probation. Then he was found with child pornography and w/6 counts and finally the Judge refused bond and put his ass in jail in January, how convenient it was after the holidays. Now he's been caught with synthetic urine in a drug test, while he's in Lee County jail? WTH?
  6. What tier are we? If they weigh too heavily on recent performance in their equation, I may not want to know what tier Auburn would land in.
  7. Well, we know AU has a better chance of doing something special with this staff than they had with the last. Hope is all we have to go on right now. Improvements were made and with Bro. Freeze at the helm, incremental improvements will continue to be made. This rebuild will take time and patience.
  8. This kid will be in a 6-9 month "2nd chance" program requiring numerous random drug & alcohol tests, alcohol & drug education classes, driving school and will serve a ton of community service hours. He'll be required to pay fees for all of those programs + fines & court costs. IF he can stay clean during that time, he'll have served his time. Maybe the kid will learn a lesson and change his lifestyle; time will tell.
  9. Did Freeze or Cohen go to DC with Sankey?
  10. ALSO - Who knows if Auburn had representatives in DC yesterday to meet with legislators on NIL? I saw where LSU & UAT had their AD & HC's in attendance with Sankey. I didn't notice Freeze or Cohen.
  11. This current vote is for 1 season. Once Texas & Oklahoma join the conference, there will be another vote and very likely a major renegotiation of the ESPN/Disney contract going forward.
  12. Why in the world did Auburn's contingent vote for the 8 game format and not 9 SEC games? Why would we not vote polar opposite of uat?
  13. Well, if anyone knows what can happen with back-to-back season records like that, it's AU. 🤮
  14. The SEC elite level competition our new guys will face will be unlike anything they've ever experienced. This rebuild is going to take time and patience.
  15. The University handed down the indefinite suspension(s), not athletics and not student affairs. So, the University took this case very seriously even though others may feel it's a trivial matter between consenting adults, etc. IMHO, it'll all be water under the bridge, everyone will be reinstated and ready for action this fall.
  16. A hypothesis: JH and his girlfriend may have spat, JH decides to bounce her. JH is enjoying some freedom from the relationship and wants to live it up, so & CW hook up with a few good-time gals. They ALL decide to get adventurous and JH/CW film the adventures and maybe even share them with a select chat group. All consensual, no one was forced or coerced, etc. Then maybe JH and the old girlfriend get back together for a spell? They have some conversations, and he assures her he was straight as an arrow while they were split, "nothing to worry about baby, I was focused on football spring practice and finishing up finals, I didn't have time to fool around." Then old girlfriend decides to snoop, she goes through his phone/video history to see if he was telling the truth. WHAM - BAM - Oh Lawd! She finds the video footage of JH/CW with multiple good-time girls having relations and danged if he wasn't sharing the videos with a select group. Girlfriend gets pissed, goes nuclear. She's hot and wants to cause damage; she wants revenge. i.e. The text "He ....ed around and found out!!"
  17. Their schedule is a flipping joke. I just saw On3's rankings by "unit" offense/defense and even with uga starting a new QB, their cumulative ranking is 1st among 30 teams. 8 SEC teams scattered everywhere and 6 SEC teams that didn't make the list at all (UF/AU/Vandy/USC/MSU/UK).
  18. One would think that, right? I mean a program of our caliber should've been able to accomplish more than what they've accomplished in their history. IMHO, to make the 12 team CFP a team would have to have a 10-win regular season at minimum. Outside of the Pat Dye era, when has Auburn logged 3 10-win seasons in a 5 yr stretch?
  19. This is why I never understood why AU recruiting tanked like it did. IF Harsin hated dealing with people in the recruiting process, then why did he not let his SEC-experienced coaching staff handle that aspect? IOW, Bobo/Mason/Friend/ Williams, Etheridge, etc. ALL were well versed and knew the SEC recruiting processes and territory and they knew what was needed to build an SEC contender. Did Harsin bulldoze their efforts and shut them down and not allow them to do what they were experienced in doing? Did Harsin even listen to those coaches or was he dead set on doing things his way? It's hard to fathom an alpha male like BH was downright lazy, a loafer and refused to work hard. I could understand more if he was overpowering, domineering and wouldn't let his coaches (with SEC experience) have much input and wouldn't let them have a voice.
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