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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. I know the background of it all, I lived it just like every AU football fan. The bottom line is the coordinator position has been a roller coaster for what feels like a decade. Even before Gus was cut loose, he still changed OC's nearly every season. When a QB literally has a different OC every flipping year, I don't see how anyone expects to see a productive and efficient offense. Add in the deficient oline talent and it's one disappointing season after another. We'll see if CHF is different.
  2. Considering the continuous coaching carousel this program has been riding for the last 10 yrs, the fatigue set long, long ago. It's honestly been exhausting and it's a huge reason why the program is so frustratingly inconsistent.
  3. This is a touch dramatic for Goodman, IMO. The back & forth comparison to one of college football's best HC's is a touch silly considering CHF has never made it to an SECCG. Those "behemoth" programs in UGA/AL were the old SEC, now Oklahoma and Texas are added to the mix which makes the job tougher. I personally don't view Rev Hugh as an OCD, super focused with the attention to detail type personality that NS was as a HC. But we'll see in the next couple of year if the plan falls into place and we make it to Atlanta. There's no doubt Hugh has a drive for obtaining talent, it's kind of a shame he wasn't able to inject the actual coaching part of his job last season.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT think Freeze was the thorn in McGriff's side at all. I think McGriff had issues with Roberts and based on Roberts tweet.... he had issues with the overall leadership, guidance, egos, and communication deficiencies in the program. Roberts even mentions "hypocritical leadership"?.?.? Like where the heck does that come from?
  5. Some peepo was disrepekted! No choice but to throw fists. On a more serious note, this all seems eerily reminiscent of a former coaching staff around these parts. Some coaches felt disrespected and had to air grievances to Bro Chett.
  6. It's an interesting exercise Hank. When a guy throws out a laundry list of issues like hypocritical leadership/poor communication/unclear expectations/unhealthy internal competition, it points straight to the man in charge. Lack of listening, apathy towards culture, lack of trust could be several folks involved within the staff. Ego, cynicism, selfishness may be on the players. IDK what all his tweet is alluding to? I was just speculating.
  7. I see this from a player who directly benefitted from CRR's coaching and then I see CRR's tweet about "10 Culture Killers" posted in another thread. RR tweet - 10 culture killers: [Sounds like Roberts left and pointed fingers at the AU program/management] 1. Ego (who had an ego so big that they couldn't take criticism - The same people that felt "disrespected?") 2. Hypocritical leadership (Leadership = Freeze) hypocritical/holier than thou attitude?? 3. Cynicism? 4. Selfishness? 5. Poor communication (this comes directly from leadership >> Freeze) 6. Unclear expectations (this comes directly from leadership >> Freeze) 7. Lack of listening (who wouldn't listen? players? subordinate staff, i.e. McGriff?) 8. Lack of trust (from the leader? Freeze?) 9. Unhealthy internal competition (this has to be staff related because competition amongst players is healthy) 10. Apathy toward the culture (does the leader care about the culture?) Who's apathetic about AU's culture? All this is interesting to say the least.
  8. Those few fans should just ignore the fact that LSU/OM/UGA weren't quite the same level of competition as Vandy/Ark/MSU.
  9. This is a glowing story from a family that obviously loves AU. But considering what Cam has physically and mentally endured here at Auburn, if I were his parent, I may have a hard time coping with Auburn throwing away over $70million in buyouts for coaches and then OTV/NIL accumulating $21million in the coffers while my own son received a tiny morsel of that wealth. I'm in no way a greedy person, but screw that.
  10. It's like freshman don't even have the patience to stay around to give themselves enough time to learn the system, get physically stronger & better before they bolt for elsewhere. I don't understand the rationale.
  11. Like it or not, that SEC banner carries a LOT of weight in college football. The SEC is the strongest conference in the nation and has been for nearly 2 decades. JMHO, but I believe the SEC champion deserves a CFP spot. It's galling knowing Bama just won their 30th SEC championship, but they did beat the reigning back-to-back national champs in their own backyard, who were on a 29-game winning streak and poised to make a 3-Peat.
  12. Hugh is so laser focused and consumed with recruiting that he couldn't devote the attention to actual coaching this year. I hope that changes soon and he hires support staff to handle the lion's share of the leg work & evaluations for talent. I also hope he can devote a heck of a lot of time and effort into developing that talent he worked so hard to acquire. I also hope he can devote a heck of a lot of time and effort into the offensive scheme and play calling as well. Hugh's been spread thin since he hit the Plains, it won't get any easier any time soon. The poor guy looks like he's aged 5 yrs since he's been here.
  13. At least make his butt cheeks clinch forcing him to make a quick decision before pulling the trigger. 😠
  14. "Saban left the NFL because he only got one 1st round draft pick."
  15. Bingo! Don't put the pressure and stress of the team's success of failure on your QB. Just like Saban told Mediocre Milroe this year, be the point guard and let other players help us be successful. The head coach needs to give his QB a damn fine oline to work behind, give him options with talented weapons TE's/WR's and a stable of RBs to spread the load and let him work within the established system. Supply him with good position coaches and a coordinator with a scheme that fits the talent on the roster. In other words, develop the players and manage the roster while year after freaking year you consistently stock NFL rosters every freaking draft. 😬 (It gets sickening watching NFL games that are literally loaded with SEC players from other SEC teams, dozens and dozens from our main rivals.)
  16. Our cupcake to prep for this year's IB was a hand grenade in disguise.
  17. It wasn't a problem that coming out of a timeout, our coaches proceeded to collectively make the decision to decline applying even an ounce of pressure on Milroe? It looked like the bama olinemen were playing patty-cake with 2 of our defensive guys, Milroe had time to take a catnap before the heaved that ball 40 yrds to the endzone.
  18. Agreed 100%! I guarantee you On to Victory can dish out $5,000 each to Koy & DJ for some Christmas spending $$ and they'll be just fine. I don't understand all the hoopla over a player stepping back from social media for a while.
  19. Bottom line, Auburn has been on a self-imposed roller coaster for nearly 20 years. And wallowed all over mediocrity to the point that we yearn for the days when our team could stand toe to toe and consistently compete in this league. I've seen many of our fans claim Auburn has forgotten how to win, and that's depressing as hell.
  20. Milroe chunked that ball over 40 yards to a spot in the corner and his guy made a play on the ball and hung on to it for the win. Sucks, but maybe it was a lesson learned by our coaching staff and players.
  21. I posted this in another thread, it needs repeating IMHO. In the last 15 yrs Auburn is a combined 12-34 over LSU/UGA/UA in 46 games for a 26% winning percentage vs our 3 main rivals and that's during our hay-day of '10/'13 w/Cam & Nick. It's hard to grasp just how far this program has fallen into irrelevance.
  22. Aw, give the kid some NIL bonus bucks and he'll be good as new.
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