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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. I guess we'll see real soon if the plan many HC's have of culture, team spirit, patience, development, and loyalty to a program & coaching staff are still in existence or not. Freeze has stated that at his core, he is about building relationships and forming personal bonds with his players. He would ideally build a foundation at Auburn with talented high school players who take pride in wearing the O&B and who have the patience to accept the training and development he and his staff offer. Kids that will accept training, wait their turn and commit to the process he has put in place for success both on and off the field. I wonder if that is even be obtainable in today's NIL/portal environment of college football? Kids have folks in their ears wanting $$ and agents are shopping these kids non-stop to the highest bidder. Loyalty to a school is out the window, full ride scholarship is no longer considered a benefit and academics are rarely mentioned in the recruiting negotiations.
  2. https://www.al.com/sports/2024/03/alabama-a-day-set-for-espn-auburns-wont-have-live-broadcast.html WTH? Who made this decision, and why?
  3. LSU needs his skills after losing what will likely be two 1st round WR's and a Heisman QB.
  4. Hugh has already said AU had a "me first" attitude problem last year and a "culture" problem. Now having a me first & cultural problem on a team that ended with a losing record (Auburn) and having one that took the NC winner to OT in the CFB Playoff (Bama) is probably on a whole different spectrum, but they are problems none-the-less.
  5. Protect This House >>> circa 2003 Click-Clack >>> circa 2010
  6. The truth of the matter is that UA has declined to the point of relative obscurity in sports equipment (shoes/cleats), they've failed to revolutionize any equipment of substance and offer an inferior product. The stock shares Auburn acquired when the contract was executed is all but worthless and from outside appearances it looks like UA is removing themselves from college athletics altogether. I can't imagine why there are any serious negotiations with UA on the table, other than Auburn acting in good faith due to the long relationship. You go with the best brand who offers competitive $$ and you market your brand accordingly & carry on with your business.
  7. If a fan is asking this question, then we sure know a booster who has ponied up multi-millions to OTV is asking the same dang question. Money people are used to getting something for what they give. Giving to an NIL collective to the tune of millions or even hundreds of thousands a year to pay kieds for the short term can't be very satisfying when the team fails to accomplish anything of significance. I mean when you fork out million for temporary players and all you get are a few days/weeks of bragging rights because your team flipped or stole a recruit, what's the incentive to keep opening that wallet?
  8. It's a sad state of affairs that a full ride scholarship has equated to nothing. Like scholarships are no longer considered a "benefit" and the education aspect is dissolving rapidly.
  9. Grown men involved in kids' sports can bring out the worst in some people. And 'errbody got to get that respect because This $#!t Personal.
  10. I'm so glad to hear you're on the mend '50. Keep moving, get up and walk around the house every half-hour during the day then slowly progress to walking outdoors. It takes time to build up your strength and energy, walking is the best thing for the healing process. Not only does it clear your mind in a therapeutic way, but it also promotes the circulation needed for blood flow to heal internally. Please know a lot of folks on here have prayed for you and we're cheering for you to get back to your crazy old self. 😉
  11. I think people understand it's going to take time; having patience is the hard part. I think we (AU fans) are starved for a show of improvement right now. We'd take losses a whole lot easier emotionally if we saw steady improvement on the field and from the coaching staff week to week and saw the team laying a solid foundation each week. We didn't see that last year for a multitude of reasons, but it sounds like we're going to see it in '24 with more attention to detail and accountability from everyone. College football is constantly changing. The roster today may not be the roster tomorrow; the SEC opponents last season aren't the same this season, the coaches and schemes last season won't be the same this season, etc. Got to be able to change and evolve pretty dang quick these days.
  12. I'm always a little surprised how the fraternity of coaches actually get along and they are very good friends & comrades, regardless of who coaches where. I forgot Freeze was NAIA and knew Debore through those channels. And Freeze/Saban hooking up for a golf game is pretty cool as well, IMO. It's the "fans" aka fanatics that put the hatred and vitriol into sports, the internet compounded it tenfold.
  13. We've been thinking and praying for you '50. Glad you're back, friend.
  14. I had typed out a long response to this post. Then I realized that if you can't see the glaring differences in these two programs in the last 2 decades, then no response of mine will sway your opinion.
  15. IMO, by Auburn standards we've gone through coaches like a carousel ride. It feels like we've had no consistency for nearly 10 yrs with the dozens of coordinators that have flown through the doors. Lack of consistency and stability lead to the piss poor coaching and very mediocre W/L record Auburn has had. Historically speaking, the last 5 yrs have been a roller coaster and it's shown on the field. It's like it's too much to ask that football be able to retain an offensive coordinator for 2 yrs straight around here.
  16. That hat is about to scream >>>> GRYFFINDOR!
  17. Maybe Bruce needed to focus solely on NIL at the time and even though the funds for the facility were donated or pledged, he just couldn't devote the time and attention needed to get the thing off the ground because the AU AD pretty much told him he needed to raise his own money for NIL for basketball.
  18. Is Bruce the kind of guy that would force Auburn to play this game? Will Bruce leverage his staying/leaving on forcing Auburn into a succession plan cementing his son as the next HC? OR is this discussion nothing more than message board folk having discussion?
  19. Well now it is ATL, you can't disrespek 'cause >>This $#it Personal!
  20. I have no idea if true, but I heard after he had to take a season off to do cancer treatment, Learfield Sports/uat told him he had the option to leave on his own. He came back to call only home games last season, Eli decided he wanted 10 more years behind the mic. Learfield Sports told him that wasn't an option.
  21. ALL of this, and some people say he needs more. The apparel deal of his choosing, a BB only facility and AU to ink a succession plan placing Steven in the HC position when he does decide to leave.
  22. Thanks for the article, Bird. I'm a skeptic by nature, and I believe Auburn will be positioned in a much more favorable place than they were when Bruce took over. CBP has proven that Auburn basketball can flourish under the right operating plan and management. Auburn will be an attractive job when CBP leaves, and I'd think Auburn would be wise to keep all options open for his replacement when that time comes. Certainly, give Steven very serious consideration. But with the way the college sports landscape has changed so drastically (NIL/portal/neutered NCAA), who the heck knows what it's going to look like in a few years and who knows if Steven would be the best fit at HC at that time?
  23. Admittedly I don't know enough about contract negotiations as they relate to coaches. But has any other college ever put a succession plan in writing for the HC's son to take over? Does Auburn seriously want to legally tie themselves to something so definitive after Bruce chooses to depart?
  24. What? I mean not disrespect, but...............In 118 yrs of Auburn men's basketball, they've only made the NCAA tournament 12 times and 4 of those under Bruce. In his 10 yrs at Auburn he's won 5 SEC titles, 2 SEC tourney's and made the final four. When will our fans stop looking to our west at what the nasty turds are doing and soak up the best ball Auburn has ever played in the sport? THESE are the best of times; THESE are the Golden Years for Auburn Basketball.
  25. I just do NOT want to see them with the opportunity to crow about winning 3 of the last 4 SEC titles. With that scumbag head coach and his thug players. Auburn really needs to take care of their business and uat rack up losses. 🤞
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