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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Not retaining Cadillac is not the end of the world but not TRYING to retain Cadillac is a major red flag for me w an incoming coach. Ideally he is walking arm and arm in to that initial players meeting with Cadillac and delivering a word about the future of our program with Caddy showing full approval because he has been offered a pay raise and a place on the staff -- now if caddy wants to bounce and do something somewhere else than that is that, no harm no foul. If incoming coach is worried about losing his job to Cadillac then he's a schmuck and shouldnt be the coach to begin with. Just my thoughts and emotions on the matter.
  2. Al torched him big time but I also think owners view what Al did as a campaign to fire him with cause, a money move and over time it is almost respectable that Kiffin faught back against drafting Jamarcus (though there were other issues) i agree tho, they have to be turned off towards college coaches by now.
  3. I like Fickell and I dont want to. The more I look in to him the more I think he is solid as can be. I just hate the word fickle, that is my only complaint. Looks like Lane train it is.. I notice few from the eaglesnest have been posting lately-- makes me wonder what they know over in the upper echelons of eagle land.
  4. Well then go ahead and sign your contract w ole miss Lane, you have done your part leveraging, just awaits your signature..
  5. probably one of the few things i respect about a bammer. Rivalries gonna rival.
  6. I love Al Davis and the three hour long youtube video out there of him destroying Lane is pure gold but Al also forced Kiffin to draft JaMarcus Russell and frankly I think the nfl and college football world has seen how Lane has developed and changed on a personal level to warrant fresh eyes and new opportunities.
  7. If a coach is announced prior to then we lose for sure Otherwise I think it could be a fun one.
  8. neither has Ole Miss' defense but what we saw last night wasn't a team or coach that had "checked out" but just an old fashioned ass whooping and a few devastating penalties. In my opinion.
  9. This idea that "Kiffin has checked out" is weird to me, feels like some kind of pyscological mental gymnastic trick of the ego to justify last nights game. Frankly, if not for two or three major penalties it would have been a competitive game. I tend to think they walked in to an environement against a team that had everything firing on all cylinders for four quarters and got their teeth kicked in with the help of some legitimate penalities. I will say Lane's defense is atrocious. Did Heupel check out too?
  10. No I won't be changing my mindset unless a coach is hired that warrants the change which I hinted at in my first post about this topic. We finally have an nil collective ready to go and a nice brick and mortar facility, good -- I look around the SEC and think about texas and oklahoma's arrival and I look at Auburn, I look at the history of Auburn and I am not convinced that we will ever be a full tilt break neck bad a** program that is dominating the south. I want top 12 recruiting, I want to make a run once every three or four years and I want to perenially be a tough out for every team we play.
  11. I hope I am wrong but I don't see historical norms changing to the point we are year in and year out booking 10 to 10+ wins every year.
  12. Well then Auburn has a real wake up call coming our way and I am beginning to think deservedly so.
  13. The expectations at Auburn continue to reach unrealistic levels in which for some folks we now have to be a perineal juggernaut vying for NC's everyyear which has never happened in history and Saban still hasn't been run over by a milk truck or retired. I am happy w Kiffin if he can deliver 9-10 win seasons bi-annually and maybe make a run all the way on occassion. Sanders is the only one I can see coming in and possibly going full tilt w recruiting / portal that could then justify shear domination mode expectations.
  14. If the top tier coaches waffle on the opportunity and you told me Grimes has reached out and wants to oc under Caddy and insert ______ dream defensive coordinator of your choice plus an iron bowl win this year.. I wouldn't fight it and in fact would honor it w pride
  15. gus lost games he should have won but by god he never got his ass flatout beatdown and handed to him like this by a 4 or 5 loss team. I still think Lane will be a good coach at Auburn.
  16. Nothing wrong w losing a close one to this arkansas team but getting your teeth kicked in? Yuck.
  17. He would be our Jimbo. Both of which won natties, recruit well but benefited from being in the ACC.
  18. Stugglin' 2 undahstand -- Wut duz thizz meanz
  19. Definitely, if you can "subvert the norms" w a willing to come to auburn deion sanders then you roll the dice and don't look back.
  20. I would take Sanders over all and Kiffin over Dabo but that is just me.
  21. It is a good idea and in theory all coaching contracts should be structured in such a manor but never will be
  22. Go tell Sexton we have his money and to get his client Kiffin to sign on the dotted line, begin acquiring his staff and get it over with.
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