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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Finleys effort was indeed valiant and I listened on the radio so I couldn't see if there was shying away from contact and if so I hate to hear that. That said, just watching the highlights I can easily see him throwing four to five interceptions in a game. He made slung a few and that worked out for us that I can't see working out for us game after game next year. It's like a mix between Jason Campbell and Jeremy Johnson and it's so confusing.
  2. Haha this is great bait but I'll bite. I do think he would have had a better play than what we saw from Bobo. Probably the sugar huddle w a jet sweep, toss or qb boot from it.. Possibly a wildcat play .. Hell even a basic read option all of which would have had more options and chances than a draw or dive to tank that was blown up about 29 times last night. Oh well.
  3. If there is one weakness I can pin down it is the widereceiver corp. We desperately need a Seth Williams / Coates / adams guy, a small speedster would be great too. Kobe Hudson is essentially all we have and he is great but we need more. I never saw high quality special teams play this year. Definitely need a need new oc as well but other than that I can track with everything else.. Defense was solid most the year with a hiccup here or there.
  4. Call a tie? A tie! No way. I do hate the new format.. Why did it need to be changed? Make the teams go for two after a touchdown like it use to be. It was never broke.
  5. Should we have tried some plays with one timeout and 25 seconds left in the 4th rather than take a knee?
  6. The only thing that's potentially stupid is thinking our squad will dominate anyone whether that's Georgia state or lsu .. win.. Sure .. Dominate? Doubt it.
  7. Literally all auburn needed this year to win at least 9 games was to hire almost anyone other than Mike Bobo (and of course Scott loeffler) as offensive coordinator.
  8. Imagine if ucf beat the brakes off us like how we beat Purdue 77-7 or whatever the score was.. This board would turn in to full on VolNAtion (Tennessee's board)
  9. I agree. There was one w McCreary that was obviously pass interference on us that they let slide and I was shocked.
  10. Accident or not we still had that Natty wrapped up. Ricardo dropped a wide open td early just totally dropped it with no one around, missed fg, tre Mason just needed to go down on the 1 instead of scoring.. Ughh we beat the hell out of that team and fsu was holding so much it was obvious. Sorry, I've got my Pasadena hoody on I bought at the game. It was a fun game nonetheless. Rant over.
  11. I was shocked it didn't happen already especially when theau fan base totally turned on the guy.. For the most part.
  12. Honestly we need wide receivers a lot more than we do a qb... Losing Seth Williams was massive and not having a flashy speedster doesn't help offensive creativity as well. I'd say get some big time wide outs and focus on finding that next Takeo spikes type linebacker and our usual nick Fairley Gabe Wright Derrick hall type guy. We have a good qb coming already from what I understand.
  13. Not sure what you're saying but word is the ucf guy is going to Florida or Ole miss.. Nix will be the guy I'd imagine or Finley or Davis or the new recruit we have coming in. I can't imagine anyone transferring in and I hope the coaches aren't spending too much energy on a qb search when we have larger needs like wide receiver and oline
  14. Fwiw this offensive line is like one sophomore and all seniors for the most part.. So seasoned veterans. Even if we got a ton of four and five stars in the pipeline for next year ... How boned are we as they still have to be developed? I know we have a 3 star guy coming in.. Color me concerned.
  15. Memphis is awesome, if you want overrated bars you can come to nashfornia. Liberty bowl sucks tho but at least there's good food and real music.
  16. Not really. If Florida is an option or Ole miss then I think this will increasingly be the norm for programs that are not in major conferences. I'm really not even trying to defend gus here I just think this is less about him being run off and more about an opportunity to shine on a bigger stage.
  17. Not going to bag on coach harsin for this one but someone described the play calling as pedestrian It was extremely pedestrian. Bobo is exceptionally uncreative.. We wanted tank to get the ball a lot and he did in the absolute most uncreative and rarely successful ways possible and I was frustrated by that.. He has got to get some more eye candy on some of these designs.
  18. Jeremy Johnson being a Heisman candidate should tell us all we need to know about preseason predictions. There isn't a coach in the world that could have turned that guy in to a dominate sec quarterback.
  19. Oh yeah I don't want him anywhere near auburn either and I'm a Malzahn supporter or too but even I, while admittedly think he's a good guy and pretty good coordinator view him as a total cheese *****
  20. 100 percent. I didn't feel like his dance w Saban was over yet and plus I thought he hired a solid staff year after year with the primary exception of Chad Morris.. Lot's of auburn guys and had us recruiting well enough to allow us to pop once every three years or so and that to me is very good in the sec west. Is what it is tho.. It was the best of times it was the worst of times at auburn during his tenure. I wish Harsin the best.
  21. Haha All good, besides that's the least of my concerns as we enter out Tennessee death spiral.. Hopefully my acumen is off on that as well.
  22. Idk something doesn't feel right about that.. auburn was so dominate running the ball ... Usually. Plus Marshall was formerly a defensive back.. We did always have one solid wide out like Darvin adams, Coates and Seth Williams but I doubt they didn't think about providing support on the o-line. I mean a Greg Robinson 2.0 would have been great but they did bring in a five star in Calvin Ashley and two four stars and that was just in a cursory search of a random year 2017.. Just saying I don't think they overlooked it .. Maybe couldn't coach em up
  23. Oh wow, that's good to know. Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing him in the mix some if we are flat on offense but I'm not particularly bullish on Finley so I may be bias.
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