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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Interesting. At this point I just don't want this Brian Kelly guy to win won.
  2. "me and my fuhmilly are so uhcited" and "I have even won all mah games yet" **** this cheese ball.
  3. I still think it's amazing they haven't won a Natty in forever.. I'd rather them win it this year than Bama because well actually idk I'd rather jump off the golden gate Bridge than see either of them win a Natty I don't even know what I'm saying.
  4. I don't mean to attack your statement but I keep seeing this.. It'll be harsins offense.. I'm so confused because I also keep seeing "b b b but gus meddled with the 50 million different offensive coordinators he hired, he's got to stop meddling!" and now we want harsin to hire someone who he can shackle and chain to run his offense.. Seems like we are just hiring a stop gap to be fired when things get tough so the heat isn't on coach harsin At least Gene chizik hired guys and let them run their system for better or worse
  5. I like the coastal carolina offense a lot, it would allow us to still rush the ball for big numbers, still allow for a passing attack and give us a dynamic edge/equalizer against teams that have more depth against us.
  6. Hell just bring in Paul Johnson and make em run the flex bone. Just go totally archaic on em.
  7. We are one more poor season away from becoming VolNAtion forums 2.0
  8. Bates doesn't really put it on Tank, he levies his ire at the coaching while giving tank an excuse for being a younger sophomore and he is right. He also makes good points about the two pass plays we called. Oh well.
  9. If you build it they will come If you pay them they will come It's insane that we went from talking about providing payment to all football players.. Like a small stipen, nothing crazy to paying only a few stars butt tons of money to push yellawood, socks and sports apparel or whatever stuff. Babylon is thriving.
  10. Georgia. I hate it but that program is due a Natty and it's pretty amazing they haven't won one in like I don't even know when. They have all the pieces this year although I suspect it will be a close game.
  11. I'd say that anytime you're bringing in big recruiting classes, have assembled a staff chalk full of au guys and are giving your team a chance to pop once every three years in the nation's most brutal conference then it's not mind blowing at all. His biggest downfall was hiring Chad Morris who a lot of people once begged for as the next au coach in addition to be unable to notch a few wins vs lsu and georgia. What's mind blowing is the inability of auburn fans to temper their expectations in this division but they will be forced to over the next decade or so it appears.
  12. Shivers was my favorite player on auburns roster, I wish that guy the best
  13. Well I mean that system beat Alabama and helped Bo get the sec freshman of the year award.
  14. Guy did bad at Florida this year because Emory Jones sucks.
  15. Why start a new thread? We have one already.. Dan Mullen would be a good oc
  16. didn't gus have a new oc almost every effing year? Nvm let's not even have this debate.. Good move harsin
  17. Amazing. Good job coach Harsin. This is very exciting.
  18. This idea that Saban is somehow afraid, concerned or worried about Harsin @ Auburn is just bizarre. The same could be said regarding Pittman at Arkansas in his/their eyes and probably would hold more weight in reality but it's doubtful either are true. We played a good game against them this year and so have a lot of teams this year.
  19. I am shocked he has stuck around for this long. The fan base largely turned against him multiple times this season in an extra vile way and we are losing a lot this year. I wouldn't be surprised at all.
  20. I'd love it if Bobo and Mason came down from their perch up in the box and were on the sidelines coaching, looking the guys in the eye and just in it from field level but whatever.
  21. Well this offensive line was chalk full of seasoned veterans. If folks think next year's o-line is going to be better, well, I seriously doubt it just based on experience alone.
  22. Kevin Kelley from presbyterian Or Mullen or Arkansas' oc or anyone for the love of everything holy other than Bobo.
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