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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Gus tends to elevate most every program he goes to in the initial years and it's been a tough season this year at times for UCF but I'd be happy if I was a fan of there's.
  2. Yes that's definitely true, one thing I liked from those days was how our guys were coached to immediately find the referee and get them the ball. I think it would be beneficial to do that again for tempo.
  3. I pretty much roll my eyes when I hear anything about tempo.. Ever since Saban freaked out and pushed so hard to change the rules the whole tempo stuff has been less than what it once was.
  4. My friend who is an Oregon fan that trolled me all year about how much "Bo sux" is shocked right now.. I'm laughing at the sweet irony in this. I have no read on whether this was a good move or not but am excited to see how it plays out.
  5. Because if he is not calling plays or implementing an offense he is borderline irrelevant and the discussion should be between Harsin or Bobo. Now if we are talking about developing qb's which sounds like what he will be doing than it would be relevant to discuss that aspect.
  6. Well the issue with Davis for me would be.. Is he really an oc or just an oc in name only and more of a qb development coach which is what it sounds like he is. Personally, I despise Bobo as an oc but I would respect him more for having his own offense and calling his own plays. If Davis had an actual offensive scheme and was going to implement I would choose him just for the sake of something fresh and new.
  7. Kodi Burns wasn't a great WR but he appears to be a solid coach. That's all I've got.
  8. Maybe time or past time to change the aufamily banner . . .
  9. I'll never forget going to Glendale w my children which was a direct result of Malzahn, Cam, and Fairley (no disrespect to Gene who is also a legendary AU coach in part for that season) and later to Pasadena which was just an incredible experience that exceeded Glendale even in a loss. I think he should be remembered as a legendary AU coach w time. I agree w the og poster on this topic.
  10. Wait so t. Hunter is getting 1.5million to go to jsu? My God the nil is funny. Again, we went from talking about all athletes getting a small stipen or payment to just a handful of stars getting butt loads of money which is extra disproportionate at a school like jsu. Idk this seems like a disaster of inequality to me and I'm not even big on the equality talk.
  11. Who cares if Davis is hired or not especially if Harsin is calling the plays.. Now if we got an actual oc that is bringing in and executing his own offense than I'd care otherwise I don't see why it's worth caring that much about. I'm not advocating for an actual oc or for Harsin to run and call his own plays.. Just saying if the guys not bringing much to the table other than developing qb's it doesn't seem as weighty of a factor as an oc that is an actual oc.
  12. He's doing a lot better than Eddie George at Tennessee state
  13. Felt like something more than that. Perhaps he knew it would divide the locker room or fan base or let a lot of folks down.
  14. Honestly, during the Georgia state game and the post presser it appeared as though Harsin was borderline near tears over having to bench Bo. For some reason it was obvious that he really really did not want to do that. I don't buy the narrative that he is making them earn a spot, to some extent I'm sure he is but it also felt to me like Bo pretty much was set up to be #1 no matter what so I'm more inclined to believe he wanted to keep pat and Bo both happy but I understand that's a minority opinion.
  15. Side rant.. The last time we were at Neyland it was glorious .. We only threw the ball like 5 times and just rushed all over their sorry a--. Loved it and was there in person to see it.
  16. I know the past was better than where we are at today and appears better than the immediate future in front of us but you're going to have to stop living from that perspective. The hour is quickly approaching where blaming Ole double bubble for our current woes will no longer be of relevance.
  17. They shouldn't and he should particularly if that includes four losses to Bama, Georgia and Texas a and m
  18. Being 13 out of 14 teams recruiting wise is truly astounding, unfathomable-y astounding and hurts my brain. How is that even possible? You have to work hard to be in that position at Auburn.
  19. And it appears that what a lot of Gus' holdovers saw out of CBH, they were less than happy to wait and see what could be accomplished but nevertheless we will all have to wait and see what happens with an entire team under his vision.
  20. I just checked hoping for morsel of positivity and couldn't find us in the top 50 because we are not in the top 50 but whatever that's a ways off.. Just saying. Texas also had a great nil approach.. So far our approach is to take money from fans for autographs, social media shout outs and the ability to leave certain players voice or written messages (I think).. We have to do better
  21. What's naive about being 13th out of 14 teams in recruiting? What narrative are the bammers laying out as we watch tank and a seasoned all auburn qb transfer? That's reality.. As long as we continue to temper our expectations and deny the reality we will continue to be okay with this and make excuses. Writings on the wall best I can tell.. I wish harsin the best but I don't think he is going to last very long next year. I want nothing more than to be dead wrong.
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