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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Well it sounds like a "but wait, there's more" kind of thing. However in a brief cursory search I was able to ascertain at least one whopper.. Not much of a whopper.. A quarter pounder w no cheese if you ask me.
  2. What kind of whoppers did he levy against us? Edit-- apparently tptb wanted to determine what staff could be hired.
  3. Raceon "Roc" Thomas was quite a let down for me
  4. Not sure what that means but I'll take your lack of a rational and coherent logical argument as a total submission.
  5. Absolutely. What is Takeo up too? Let's get him and Darren Bates on staff.. Takeo is my all time favorite AU linebacker
  6. The point here would be that while an argument is being made that the old staff didn't develop wr's to where they could be drafted higher him it seems ironic given our current staff is having greater difficulty coaching wr's up (at least in year one). Also I don't think it's true that every (or even most) wr's have alluded to "well if I was coached elsewhere I would of been drafted higher".
  7. While pointing fingers at the old staff regarding wr's and making statements that every single wr spoke out (which seems unlikely--) about how they could have been drafted higher.. The current staffs coaching of the wr corp was so poor that we had to fire our wr coach three or four games in to the season and things didn't really improve much even after that so... Hmm. And I like CBH I'm not trying to bash on him here
  8. My gosh this is reaching a level of absurdity that is comical at this point
  9. "you serious Clark?" -- cousin Eddie
  10. I don't think he was the best surprise but I feel like Ontario McCaleb should get an honorable mention
  11. Fair enough, I do wish Schwartz had a few more touches and looks in the passing game, he was such a blazer.
  12. That's honestly very surprising. Obviously some of his big plays were counted as rushing yards but surprising nonetheless. I still consider him a force.
  13. Ha don't put that on me as in my subsequent post I described stove as an absolute force at auburn as well as a star. Naw I'd rather you use your logic and rational to formulate an argument about how they are used vs how Schwartz wasn't used.
  14. That's fair, we are running back U in my opinion and I like it that way
  15. Yup. We had Schwartz crossing, meshing, running deep routes, reverses and sweeps.
  16. Davis literally set the school record for receptions while at Auburn but yes he did have to wait his turn, when he got his turn he crushed it. Stove was a star at auburn and had an acl injury that severely limited further stardom. Schwartz was running similar routes as a lot of those Bama guys, a lot of players would be Heisman candidates for bama. That would be my rebuttle.
  17. We had a pretty solid track record of using speedster type undersized wr's .. Ryan Davis for instance crushed it at Au, Eli Stove was a force and I feel like we used Schwartz pretty effectively to be honest. We probably left a little meat on the bone but what would have a better use of him have looked like? More sweeps? More deep bombs?
  18. Seth Williams was our best wr, Schwartz was our most dangerous
  19. Who was the white boy running back that came in for the Iron bowl during the tuberville Era and went to Tuscaloosa and delivered? That was a nice surprise even if it was just one game.
  20. Those posts are sort of to be expected by Christians "we are gonna take the high road while also putting in a few underhanded comments and a nice verse at the end" of course the verse is ironic and out of context as no one ever mentions the whole "but you're going to be a Babylonian slave for 40 years" part. Sister at least wasn't underhanded and said what she said about Bo getting a lot of flak which he did. Whatever. Glad I don't do social media anymore.
  21. I agree with a lot of what you say but I personally get the decision to let the defense make the stop because they were absolutely lights out on point all of the game till the final drive. I never once thought we should have gone for 2 but apparently a lot of folks did. Also the offense couldn't get half a yard the entire game it seemed like.
  22. How so? Basically had a depleted wr corp but that was about it.. TruesDale would of been nice to have. Big Kat left too but he never did much at Au anyways. We had a pretty loaded roster and while the O-Line wasn't great they were mostly 3 or 4 year guys w experience.
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