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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Hmm.. Weird one here given she filed for divorce prior to the incident.. Probably a bammer being a bammer but could also be a sly trick by a cunning wife preparing for battle. Having other witnesses points to a bammer being a bammer.
  2. If you like a bunch of big box franchise bull'*+* then you'll love the change that is happening but it probably won't be the 'loveliest village on the plains' anymore. The key is maintaining yourself and the charm and forcing unique architecture standards but I've personally thought and heard from others for a couple years now "yeah the downtown area has changed so much" and it's never w a positive tone to it. Fortunately graduate hotels are pretty good at adapting to the college towns targeted and aren't built as cheaply as possible.
  3. I mixed up Anders with JandM bookstore -- this isn't the end of the world I suppose.. I was just picturing a huge brick monstrosity where jm is across from Samford hall and was thinking.. "what a shame".
  4. It's not a plus for Auburn. I say this as a minority investor in the Athens Graduate hotel too. Yeah they're great compared to other hotels but I wish they were not doing away w Anders book store.
  5. The Ole miss transfer qb is kinda intriguing too -- Ole Joey Gatewood may be a career goal-line wildcat qb
  6. Give me a Reese Dismukes, King Dunlap and a Greg Robinson in the portal. That's not asking for to much is it?
  7. "B b b but we didn't have our two best wr's" and I've heard "you know honestly, Bryce Young isn't really that good anyways" Also it seems like every year I hear from the announcers "well kirk this might be sabans best coaching job" .. Puhlease.. The guy has a Heisman winner qb and top 3 recruiting classes for a decade -- you could have a ten your old coaching that team calling hb draws 75 percent of the time and win 9 to 10 games.
  8. We actually had a very capable roster this year but due to extremely poor coaching/playcalling we squandered opportunity after opportunity. Just like this
  9. They definitely had a few down years in the 90's post Barry Switzer Era of the 80's but I still think they are typically just always relevant and a tough program to go up against.
  10. This has been an exceptionally painful game to watch. Perhaps we get some excitement in the final few minutes here.
  11. I never wanted rattler to transfer to auburn -- I'd rather have Calzada over that guy. Speaking of Oklahoma tho -- that has to be the best football program in America as they've been relevant for three decades, just always solid.
  12. Hudson is intensely competitive and is, at times, outspoken. He was told by wide receivers coach Eric Kiesau that Harsin did not like his attitude and that his scholarship would not be renewed. I have been told the same story by a number of people I trust, and I believe it to be true." surely you don't boot your best player in a position of need just because you don't like his attitude? Sounds pretty spot on to me and would make a lot of sense w the "he from the north I'm from the south, he doesn't understand me" comment. Kobe will probably land at another relevant school shortly since there's doesn't appear to be "any real big there, there."
  13. Sadly I think so.. And it's only sad in the sense that he seems so committed to auburn.
  14. Haha what? Yeah of course I want him to do good which is why I wish we invested in getting the pieces we have almost all unilaterally stated we need which is wr and Oline. Like others have mentioned, Calzada had those pieces at atm and was an alright qb. This isn't about hating harsin.
  15. With four qb's on the roster I'd hope we aren't trying to find a 5th although presumably someone is going to transfer out when they realize their position on he depth chart. Hopefully we are targeting wr's and Oline now.
  16. I was honestly hoping Calzada wouldn't come to auburn but alas here we are. Hope he does good, obviously
  17. Haha I remember watching the game but I don't understand what y'all are referencing about it. I remember we were anemic on offense but that was also a phenomenal Clemson team that beat Ohio State 31-0. Wish we had gotten justyn Ross -- I just wasn't sure if I missed something w a player or what the debacle was.
  18. What are you guys referencing regarding the 2016 Clemson game?
  19. Ahh true I read it as "what will his role be" What will his role be then?
  20. No idea outside of working w qbs Seems to my perception is that he is what Rhett Lashlee was to Malzahn -- an apprentice of sorts although lash may have actually called plays, I can't remember.
  21. Well we do have JT-FLo coming in-- not sure his position or identity but that could be a silver lining. Sorry I couldn't help myself. Damnit Kobe what did you do? We must know now!
  22. I mean, tank didn't even show up for the first two bowl practices so... There's got to be a pretty significant catalyst for this dismissal.
  23. Well of course because what it obviously means is that there weren't enough roster spots at UCF for these guys to get some real coaching. Just doing my part to ensure there is blood within the firmament. It's a joke guys.
  24. I didn't but Utah is a tough opponent year in and year out it seems. I'll have to check out some of that games highlights here in a few minutes. Thanks!
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