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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. One would have to be a complete bum, just a total schmuck to not recognize that as being the reality.
  2. To not even get him an interview or a chance at being hired is what's supremely dissapointing. All this talk about how "Cohen is definitely not beholden to the boosters w this hire" needs to be rephrased for future hires to "is he or is he not going to be cucked by jimmy sexton". I certainly hope Freeze dominates and elevates but this search has been quite revealing how the game operates through one man w that being Sexton.
  3. Hmm, not seeing this big PR nightmare Mikey.. Strange
  4. Sexton controls the agents, controls the ad's, controls a lot of the assistant coaches and probably bybasses certain ad's alltogether and talks directly to the boosters. Its quite impressive. I see he has given a list to Freeze of assistant coaches per media reports.
  5. Ok but are we going to get the first 6 games on legit college small town campuses or is it just another big money grab for the georgia domes and jerry worlds of the sport. I wish they would recognize the opportunity to be different than the nfl (although i guessthe nfl does play at their own stadiums) and keep college football uniquely special by allowing some initial games to be on campus
  6. Wasn't Stokes just rapping along to a song? If so, I don't see it as scholarship loss egrigious. Kitna -- twisted sick stuff.
  7. Did he help develop Brady? Guy was like a 6th round draft pick because Loeffler is that bad but I digress. Sorry, hearing the name even as a joke gets me going.
  8. It would be a rhett lashlee type hire where the person is running his system.
  9. He is smart enough to know he needs a fall guy to fire before the target is placed directly on him if things don't go well. I gurantee even if he outsources the oc playcalling you will see his standard offense.
  10. If they are going to neuter the guys social media game then i'd have preferred they did it secretly and not told anyone. I dont particularly respect the move but auburn is going to auburn and I am not surprised. Deion or Lane never would have gone for that but whatever it ultimately is just twitter so it isnt the end of the world, I just think it is weak.
  11. That is weak and lame in my opinion. Lane is given full control but we have to hand cuff and babystep our new guy.
  12. The whole "most jesus like man" is so cringe but that's also the language a lot of auburn folk gobble up. I don't see any big "there, there" to warrant freaking out over. It is a little weird, I'll say that much.
  13. I am honestly surprised that you consider hiring former stars to be such a bad thing. Especially given the passage of time revealing that almost everyone of those hires is now coaching at other major programs.
  14. I like how Colorado's AD is handling things, all in the news that they offered Deion-- whether they get him or not their fans know they have an ad who is subverting the norms and trying to make boss moves. Feels like we are being finessed by Sexton left and right but I will wait and see who we hire before slinging to much napalm.
  15. Philiadelphia Eagles qb coach? LOL Absolutely hilarious. Hilariously sad.
  16. Thanks for being the one loser to stare at a screen and take time posting / pyschoanalyzing a new reply to a useless comment with an even more useless comment
  17. You dont get authenticated sources in coaching searches of this nature and that is part of the fun and mystique of it all.. Palace Intrigue, Innuendos, coaching search wars and rumors of wars.. It's what makes it awesome.
  18. In terms of optics I feel as tho Lane could have just said "look guys Iwill make a decision at the end of the regular season, I get offers every season and evaluate my options accordingly after our season is over, i love it here, special season yada yada"
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