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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. I know folks don't want to hear it but if Harsin is fired I'd bet money that Gene Chizik gets hired. it is exactly what the ptb will do and to their credit, he would at the very least provide something of a stabilizing presence. I know no one seems to want him but you can't tell me that's not precisely who auburn is going to seek to hire in terms of an immediate contact regarding a potential coaching search.
  2. To me it's been made manifestly evident that this was the year (2021) to fire and hire a head coach -- there has been so much coaching movement compared to two seasons ago but that said it feels like 'too little to late' at this point.
  3. I'm just going to say it -- bill o'brien sort of sucks.
  4. Oh he is definitely gus 2.0 -- there have been so many comparisons of the two over the past decade by various reporters and they're good buddies with a similar coaching style
  5. You think that he wouldn't be seriously considered? To me, it's obvious he would be sought after by our big money guys. I can't believe we have people saying dion sanders tbh
  6. I'm just going to keep saying it but to me the obvious hire would be Gene Chizik and I think he would bring a stabilizing presence to auburn and won a Natty (even tho that was really all gus, Cam and Fairley).
  7. took a little googling but it looks like Brett Whiteside was in that role for the previous regime and is currently chief recruiting officer at mizzou
  8. What is Clesi's function at Auburn? Paper pusher, answers phone calls, player relations? What kind of person did Malzahn and Chizik or Tuberville have in that same role out of curiousity?
  9. It is possible he recognized Harsin was pushing for his boise boys to take over auburn -- I suspect Mason was to valuable as a recruiter and team leader to be fired first year tho tbh
  10. Derek Mason taking a 400k paycut for a lateral move tells you all you need to know. Austin Davis just wanting to spend more time with his family is also highly suspect. I feel bad for our players.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he was hired and I'd imagine it very well could be him.
  12. it's not even worth thinking about deion sanders -- it's fun to think about but the odds of that seem so outside the realm of reality Chiziks name floating around seems like a strong probability or Hugh Freeze and thats all I can imagine. I don't even think Steele would take the job if offered tbh
  13. I mean you have to be really in denial to error on the side of them not catching wind. Derek Mason in my opinion would be a really solid hire.
  14. let's be honest -- Rhett lashlee, while a nice guy, is a total cheese d-**
  15. so basically we are a tank bigsby transfer away from total and complete collapse. odds of him transferring now increased?
  16. question. has coach harsin taken any time while on vacation to get in touch with his team as a whole and discuss anything of relevance since this has unfolded that we know of?
  17. Hey what's the deal with the NSD zero players signing? Is that at all normal for a program? Like, is there another team in a major conference that had that kind of day? Honestly asking.. Seems extremely weird.
  18. Can't you just feel almost every headcoach in America sending text to our good players "hey are you interested in transferring now?"
  19. Or he knows there is a lot of money on the line to lose and knows he's going to be fired but has been advised to call bluffs and let the attorneys prove the allegations. Either way, this is getting brutally ugly and it's unlikely he remains the head coach.
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