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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. rooting for this young man, two blown out knees are extremely traumatizing on a physical and mental level -- really difficult to bounce back from, I'm hoping he can do it.
  2. ok so I'm not sure why I didn't hear about this but ... jar jar is out of the portal and back with us? that's relatively huge for this receiving corp
  3. 5' 10 is definitely on the shorter side -- same height as Doug flutie and surpringsly (in my mind) even nick Marshall is listed as 6' 1" who I would have thought was on the shorter size of qb's. DD does seem to have less arm strength.
  4. the parallels with Demetrius Davis are starting to feel increasingly similar. surely he will get a legitimate look this year. Ashford is an interesting wild card.
  5. I never really thought Smoke Monday was that good and would be surprised to see him make much of an impact at the next level tbh and even less so as linebacker. for instance, I felt someone like robinson therezie had much more of an impact (even with less stats at au) but went undrafted and Smoke Monday, while his name is awesome seemed to border on the line of minor asset to potential liability from game to game.
  6. It sure seemed to me like Harsin was just as hell bent on starting Bo as a coach could possibly be despite the talk of a qb competition. frankly, the Georgia state debacle and post game press conference felt like he was devestated over pulling Bo perhaps because he felt it would divide the team or fanbase idk but he definitely did not want to sit Bo. sure enough, he was right back in action against Lsu. I'm skeptical things would have been much different.
  7. a really good punter out of Australia Guys gonna be a huge game changer
  8. He definitely inherited a solid roster outside of wr which of course we have now lost the two bright spots at wr -- idk if an excellent season was probable but the talent was there to be possible. I think we all knew it was going to be tough and hiring Bobo didn't bode well for an explosive offense. But this idea that he hired some destitute roster because of Malzahn is growing increasingly tiresome and old. That said, in Easton Harris Jr we trust.
  9. man, that last play is never talked about but I remember it having like, a real shot at almost succeeding there which would have been unbelievable
  10. Agreed. I was at that game and it was a magical atmosphere, I will say I was extremely proud of how we played -- we had that team by the balls and I don't know that many folks really gave us much of a shot to compete w what was a ridiculously loaded fsu team. Tough one nonetheless.
  11. In my view we defeated that team but some how lost. Cody Parkey missed fg, Ricardo Louis drops a sure fire TD, tre Mason should of gone down on the 1 yard line ughhh I digress
  12. Outside of 2019 lsu and Mac Jones most are pretty balanced between, running, dual threat qb and pretty good passing attack. We definitely could be better at passing. I'm still frustrated that we didn't get justyn Ross or George Pickens at wr
  13. fwiw auburn has never, ever in my memory been known for wicked passing attacks as far back as three or four decades now -- we were close to be running back u at times and I liked it that way.
  14. It's obviously going to eventually be just like the nfl -- hopefully we can at least get games on campus at colleges for the atmosphere and to support the local economies over these detached big city games like the Georgia dome and so forth.
  15. will he change? problem is, when the heat gets put on you like it currently is the most common reaction is to fall back to what use to work for you rather than adapt and try to find a young buck dynamic oc and dc We see this playing out already with the promotion of various boise boys as he begins to fall back in to what he feels use to work for him -- will it work this time around? we shall see
  16. dion sanders isn't coming to auburn -- it's an absolute pipe dream. I could see Florida state going all out for him next season and possibly getting him but he ain't coming to AU.
  17. Again, not many options out there for one thing. He by all accounts was the primary desire of the money men just an inkling of time ago and you have to assume they would reach out to him once more. That's not baseless or illogical, it's pragmatic. I'm not advocating for these guys -- in my view, we are full fledged in to our Tennessee like decade long death spiral, I think certain individuals recognize that and would look for someone who has ties in the south. Unfortunately we have missed the boat on pretty much everyone out there. Best I can tell there are three realistic non retread options, grimes, freeze and briles.
  18. CKS wasn't fired for lack of results. CGC would be looked at as someone they could hire who would probably have some iota of a plan to bring in a staff and advance forward 2012 not withstanding. It makes sense that the ptb would absolutely eye those two options. I can also see them making a push for Freeze which would be great but honestly I don't know that he would even accept the job to reenter the slaughter house that is sec west football.
  19. It's not so match that people want CKS or CGC although I have seen a post here or there.. It's more a look at pragmatically, logically, who would auburn go after? More than likely those two individuals. Outside of Jeff Grimes who else would you desire? Most the names thrown out there are not realistic in my calculation. I'd like Briles but honestly we have missed the boat on coaching hires this year and I fully expect the ptb to settle on a former coach.
  20. OK so I agree van gorder sucked and lefty was/is hands down the worst o.c. on the planet with a track record of destroying programs he goes too. that said, I mean .. a lot of college kids are going to drink, they're going to smoke weed (frankly it should be viewed as a better alternative than drinking) and the that was when the whole synthetic crap was fresh on the scene. that said, dyer definitely had issues and the party / folks getting shot certainly is inexcusable. I still think the ptb immediately target him. I don't want him but I also don't think he would be terrible either.
  21. I hear you but I still view him as a stable coach in terms of bringing in coordinators, letting them coordinate and recruiting appropriately irregardless of 2012's absolute disaster. I feel like it's exactly who auburn will target if they go on a coaching search.
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