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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Dion Sanders is a completely unproven coach and I don't even care, go make a stupid offer for the guy and make him say no.
  2. gus was still able to pound the ball down other teams throats game in and game out but today tank had 9 carries for 39 yards. that's brutal. I think the @ Clemson game was the only time we were not able to rush the ball although fortunately they proved to be a Natty team.
  3. Block is a strong word.. If they can just sort of "get in the way" of the defense that should still be better than the current plan.
  4. Correction -- javar.. Johnson at qb + triple option and split between the trio 70 rushes.
  5. Ashford then implement the triple option and let tank and jarquez split 50 carries
  6. I hear you but auburn has never in history been a program to go after a big time dude and get him. ever. I'd say Dion is the only one that is interesting in terms of big time coaches that I've heard but we've all racked our brains and there just isn't a legit coach out there that's going to take this on.
  7. Yeah, just finished the post game show -- I'm not sure what all the rave is about, pretty softball. nice guys tho.
  8. And just like that, we became Tennessee football over the past two decades and they became auburn.
  9. pretty sure those guys get kickbacks from auburn in some form or fashion, I bet they go easy on coach testestorone. I like Vernon Speaks Auburn
  10. That is frustrating, it's not Reuben Foster decommiting frustrating but gives me flash backs to losing that guy. Harsin has a real chance to get things righted this year. He's going to take some losses no doubt but if he can capture some magic he can potentially reverse the curse. I believe this is his only chance this year, when you have the rb's we currently have then you have a chance but I'm skeptical TJ can pull it off. If he doesn't pull out a few miracle wins and get the recruiting momentum rolling then it's essentially over as far as I'm concerned in terms of a young generation getting to roll toomers corner and experience relevant auburn football.
  11. I have no idea what I just watched but I'm so incredibly thankful auburn doesn't do anything as utterly stupid as that midnight yell sh*t.
  12. I don't really view it as that huge of a game tbh -- if we get creamed then that would be horrible for Harsin but if it's a close loss and we go on to make noise in the sec west the ship could be righted. We need to beat mizzou and Lsu for sure.
  13. oh for sure, it wasn't perfect by any means the wr Corp was weak and we lost some big boys via transfer but this idea that our roster was just a "pile of s***" seems dramatic to me.
  14. a pile of s*** in what sense? the roster was still relatively loaded when compared to like a Tennessee or South Carolina or even USC. I don't buy the narrative that Auburn was just in total shambles.
  15. these back shoulder throws this sjstate qb is throwing are flat out impressive
  16. has a two qb system ever really been highly successful at any program? genuinely asking because I'm trying to think of an example in which it worked.
  17. auburn has always, literally always had a down game against a lesser opponent -- this isn't unique to harsin, gus, chiz, tubs it's just in our DNA to nearly blow it against a sh*t opponent. happens every year.
  18. honestly, I'd love to see him in the game --
  19. good dB play but coach testestorone should probably play someone else
  20. plumlee isn't a bad passer imo he is bad at decision making but honestly, I know that bowser guy is a good rb but he didn't need to be in that game -- Louisville had some big boys and they should of used some of the speedy backs to counter that dline. terrible play calling in the 2nd half and ucf's dline is undersized.
  21. I would like to reassess at year end especially if he drops like 6 straight and boutte and others bail because honestly, I think people were still giving Harsin plenty of benefit after the first Penn state loss.
  22. Does this not actually help the powerhouse programs more to the point in which you can now pull off an upset against an Alabama and instead of nuking their whole seasons work it's like "whatever just a small chink in the armor"? I see benefit for weaker programs that aren't powerhouses and I see some personal relief in not having to invest much emotional energy in to the regular season like the NFL. I'll say it once more but it'd be awesome if they kept some of these playoff games on college campuses but that won't happen I'm sure.
  23. are they at least going to be played on legit small town university campuses or do the Georgia domes and Jerry world's get to just rack in more money?
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