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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Cristobal is such a dud but should be the right fit for miami even tho he's overrated. I hate notre dame but really like Freeman, I hope he finds some success. Kstate is no slouch, they always have a formidable program and hard to get a read on Napier. could care a less about Elliot or Tucker
  2. is Arkansas oc in the market for a coaching job? seems pretty good to me
  3. I'm not too worried about it, the ptb know what's up and there is no need to immediately fire the guy, it's going to happen I'd imagine but whether it's now or at the end of the year doesn't matter to me. I'm sure they're at work reaching out descretly to various agents and seeing what we can get coaching wise. Deion isn't going to be hired mid season from JSU nor is Lane nor is Stoops.. Maybe Grimes would commit mid year but I sort of think there's no need for an immediate firing.
  4. Welcome to life at auburn in the sec west for the past 100 years. Get use to it.
  5. It's expectations it's challenging to the nth degree and administrative issues are a factor for sure. irregardless it's ridiculous you think Deion would go to Arizona state. that's not happening.
  6. Well I will concede that is true but fwiw leach and kiffin are functioning at schools with much lower expectations as well as not having to play Georgia every season which is also true of kelly and fisher but the latter do have to deal with the expectations. auburn also has the added downside that if you do have any level of significant success their fan base immediately seems to expect continued success of no less than 3 losses a year or you're in serious trouble.
  7. Well no, Arizona state doesn't have a much better shot and in fact virtually have no shot but what school isn't a party school tbh they all are. new ad? who cares, less rigid coaching paramters? probably so, oh well. thing that hurts auburn is the unbelievably tough sec west that limits many seasons opportunities for smashing success.
  8. I don't think we'd have a strong shot at Sanders but enough to warrant a valiant attempt at getting him. nothings funnier then reports that Arizona State is after Deion .. absolutely no shot for that program but nonetheless the reports abound
  9. I am aware of that but okay let's remove Saban and I feel the point still stands.
  10. not to make it a racial thing but Sanders would immediately polarize and put Auburn in a unique position juxtaposed against a Brian kelley, leach, kiffin, Saban, Sarkisian, Venables when it comes to walking in to a recruits home and that could be extremely interesting. we have to give him an offer -- if he doesn't accept it then he doesn't accept it but we have got to try. For some reason that I can't put my finger on, this would be different than other non Caucasian coaches like Strong, Sumlin and so forth, it'd just be different in a good way.
  11. I like your posts but I disagree with you here. I'm assuming you're saying these kids are sold on HBCU's and I absolutely positively feel that is not a factor of any substantial significance. I also suspect strongly that if Sanders was at Auburn you'd see him recruit the ever living daylights out of top tier players.
  12. omg if more people start advocating for "bill o'brien" I'm going to lose my mind.
  13. oh I see now, he was 0 and 12 at southern miss. ouch
  14. Just a feeling I'm operating on.. I feel like he'd consider Auburn before Kiffin would. Who knows.
  15. I actually was really fond of Ellis Johnson, I thought he was pure class and 2012 imo was in large part Loefflers disaster but maybe I'm wrong. Roof was sort of just a slob imo. also wasn't van gorder 2012 defensive coordinator?
  16. I think Mark Stoops would be tremendous and we would have a realistic chance at getting him. Lane would be good too but why would he leave a good thing at Ole miss where he has job security and the playoffs right around the corner which should help his chances of further success with minimal pressure?
  17. not the same.. Penny was a big hire, went to memphis, born in memphis and has done a good job up until he got hit with some violations. They almost knocked Gonzaga out of the tourney.. he Is a perfect fit for that program and still has every opportunity to grow it back in to relevance along with support of memphians.
  18. thatsfair, I can see all of that being the case and I don't think he'd be long term w us if had success coaching here
  19. if you told me, "yes Sanders in fact is willing to come to Auburn" I'd say.. hell yes. even knowing he's a tremendous showman. Auburn can definitely endure the risk reward of such a coach tbh but I knew we were headed for a ten year Tennessee death spiral anyways so at this point I'm willing to roll the dice
  20. oh okay. way to shift the blame away from Harsin. Jetgate wasn't even that bad -- boosters are gonna boost and no one is going to stop that.
  21. Seems like bait to me, probably bs That said.. We don't even need an athletic director -- just funnel whatever salary the ad would have made in to the offer for dion and his staff and let's get the recruiting back on track.
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