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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. I like you Mikey but im going to go ahead and say Horse sh*t They made a great hire
  2. he can probably learn some from shedeur sanders as his backup
  3. I like this side of you. I cant lie, im reveling a bit in your frustration but i only caught the end of the game.
  4. I have some sympathy for Will Friend after reading that article from the high school coaches that said coach friend was on top of his game w recruiting and really the only one they had met w regards to auburn staff and recruting that they spoke positively of.
  5. "O'doyle, I've got a feeling our whole families going down"
  6. 4 receptions 121 yards 2 td's in a 70-13 win. Kobe was a loss for au for sure
  7. to get sidetracked here a little bit -- why would houston nutts attorney have any interest in foia'ing freezes phone records? Sounds like a good story there
  8. I also prefer Jarquez and believe he should be starting over Tank. That said, it is tough to guage just how great tank is w this line and that is unfortunate. He is like a hybrid between carnell and kenny irons type back.
  9. I agree w everything you said but the protesting at the presidents house is pretty awesome and schiano was such a worthless hire and terrible fit so i respected that push back.
  10. Its a great idea and if it works then great, i agree you gotta try and get it in there
  11. A good agent / attorney would say "no deal with that language" and we would have to capitulate but i like the idea and its worth attempting to lock them out unless he throws a fit about it.
  12. This parallels w the Tennessee Kiffin track -- we get deion, we are on the come up and at the last minute season 2 we get the press conference "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to coach at fsu"
  13. I would much rather have a coastal carolina type offense than a traditional pro style offense. The prostyle continues to be tried at auburn and continues to fell at auburn because we dont have the depth required nor the appropriate qb.
  14. Yeah i agree he is unlikely to come but by god we had better try.. Barkely and Jackson had better make a stop in mississippi along w whover our moneyman is and try
  15. i agree, i entirely did not realize he put up the kind of numbers he did.. Had he not got hurt he would have been top 3 all time passing which is shocking to me (if i recall correctly)..
  16. Deion will remain atop my #1 list and he can go ahead and bring his offensive coordiantor w him too. Oh how sweet sweet sweet the recruiting would be. It would split the sec asunder -- a mighty earthquake of "oh sh*t", 30 for 30's would be made ala miami's epic run.. The sun and the stars would shine upon us and turn their gaze in disbelief -- the moon would turn to crimson blood as the life drains out of the bammers. Okay sorry got off the rails there at the end
  17. Lol there is really no comparison. We have to go hard after deion and i suspect he turns us down but we had better try
  18. Nasty attitutde? B b b but we had players showing up a few minutes late for 6am meetings! Can you believe that?! We needed a complete culture overhaul!
  19. I get a feeling auburn has a less than ten percent chance of getting deion. We better try at least. he'd be something special.
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