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Everything posted by ThurstontheWelshCorgi

  1. Tank was a special talent but it is time for Jarquez to be at the head of the stable. I think we will be better off.
  2. About the same as georgia played against a s***ty missouri team except that wasn't even a big rivalry game for georgia
  3. Oh come on, that is ridiculous to make this about race -- i wanted deion more than anyone and see it as possibly the biggest blunder in auburns past 20 years to not go after him. I even personally think Mikey is being a goober w his opinion of deion but that will playout over the next two years and I never once thought he to be some racist shmuck because of his opinion on deion.
  4. Everytime I hear WR coach I think about how it was floated that the Eagles WR coach was in the hunt to be head coach at Auburn and then watching people go in to short diatribes about how it could/would be great. Always gives me a bit of a chuckle.
  5. Totally agree. It didnt take a bill belichek to see that Gatewood was trash (as a qb) but people still clammored for him to start.
  6. Auburn is a program of ironies -- the latest being that after years of hearing people gloat over freeze"s malik willis qb development magic we are now faced with a couple qb's that should fall in his development wheelhouse.. On one hand i hope we get a transfer on the otherhand i hope he is forced to showcase his development talents.
  7. Good hire, he will be an okay coordinator at worst and a good coordinator at best but definitely phenomenal recruiting asset.
  8. I will say this about the two primary coordinator hires at oc and dc -- from a x's and o's perspective good hires but from a personality personal level viewpoint from afar I am not particurlaly excited about them. Fortunately i am viewing from afar and do not know their true personalities so hopefully they and the players become close.
  9. Someone controlling his twitter account posted it, he didn't. Doesn't jive with his previous tweeting habits but does so with auburns social media team. Hope good news is on the horizon.
  10. Even though it was just prior to the event, terrible timing for the transfer rb to take a dig at the guy -- not blaming the kid but given whats transpired it really wasn't good timing in hindsight
  11. That's interesting because i just went back watched some of his pressers and you're right, he can't talk for more than a few words without pausing and coughing. Amazing no one connected the dots and got him checked out.
  12. In addition to that, if you remember the original debate was whether ALL college athletes should receive some compensation only to settle for SOME receiving unbridled amounts of money with others just being apart of the team.
  13. Any thoughts on Bobby Petrino oc'ing for the aggies? Scares me a little bit, they could be pretty good.
  14. If Freeze got Auburn to break in to the top ten recruiting wise that would be a massive victory. It is not going to happen in my opinion, i would be flat out shocked. I look at the initial 2023 rankings and going down the list I see easily fifteen - twenty programs I would put ahead of Auburn as being more desirable for a young athlete. We are going to need that NIL money to talk plus significant upward momentum during the 2023 regular season to have a shot at cracking the top 12 recruiting wise for 2024. Hope I am wrong
  15. Monumentally stupid to have not tried. We were primed for all to witness a systematic destruction of the old guard, the deep booster state, the Sexton controlled puppets and Cohen came in and just totally went deer in headlights mode. Like you said though, hopefully Freeze is successful and I root for his success but my god i am jealous of what could have been.
  16. Not that it particularly matters but I hear coach garner
  17. I didnt hear Harsins name unless he posted elsewhere. I did hear.. Wait for it, wait for it... Drum roll please "i want to thank coach malzahn".
  18. B b b b but he hasnt signed anyone yet and and and and there is a rumor he shouldnt be touched w a ten foot pole so so so so so we did the right thing not interviewing him plus plus plus Sexton doesnt represent him
  19. I knew Freeze would load up a few buddy buddies on the staff, doesnt bother me and I definitely dont expect a truly unique, independent oc either. Im looking at the wr, o line and lastly and yet to be filled dc spot -- the defensive coordinator needs to be done right (obviously). Shall be interesting
  20. Yeah it is funny how he pulls the God card out as much as he does when it is like.. Oh.. Idk -- more like the 5 million a year salary card but it is kind of nice to hear that talk in Boulder where mentions of Christ are usually met w scourn. My sister went to boulder so i feel it is a fair generalization.
  21. Team went 1-11 -- house cleaning in order of biblical proportion.
  22. Personally I thought it was hair raisngly good and would have been just what Auburn needed but whatever -- pump that nil money to some players and coach / scheme em up and see if we can't get some wins
  23. His acl's have to be begging him to take make the decision to enter the draft, guy cuts hard -- cant see him raising his stock much more and i would hate for him to have a catostrophic injury
  24. That isn't in dispute as to whether auburn could fill up a bus w coaches from lower tier conferences. It is argued that we had a unique opportunity to subvert the norms and get a baller recruiter. Now can he coach successfully in a major conference or is open for speculation, I suspect he can. The thing that sucks is to not even interview the guy and while our coach is neutered on social media and mumbling on gameday about jill, janey, margeret, amy sue and their husbands but not so and so because she doesnt have a husband (like anyone cares) and getting lost in disneyland like facilities Deion is doing exactly what we knew he would do -- delivering recruits
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