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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Someone has been talking to an attorney
  2. Clearly I'm wearing the wrong underwear
  3. Oh, it can still get worse, and probably will.
  4. Had a friend who vacayed in Paris once. I asked him how it went - "Was fine, except for all the darn foreigners."
  5. Tubs came back strong after jet gate, at least for a while..
  6. you'll have to be a helluva lot more specific than that on this board
  7. Heard the same after Jetgate. Nothing happened.
  8. must.....resist......RickA.....reference. .....
  9. "things will get better with him, or without him." Bold statement, Cotton
  10. not sure Joey Freshwater's the guy you call when you have a "co-ed" problem ..and, right now, OlePiss -> AU = lateral move
  11. he's lawyered up..... "Saul Goodman on line 3"
  12. I know we'd have loved to have had Willis (back) as our QB this past year
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