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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. would be nice to see a record of sustained success
  2. Well, since this thread is now bigger than the Library of Congress...
  3. ...as the prisoner's blindfold is removed and he's led down from the gallows...
  4. No worries, we'll start it again in 12-18 months
  5. He's still coordinating a press release w JBoy
  6. keep the daughter crap to yourself. TMI
  7. tight-end option pass on 4th and half a yard
  8. "AU....enriching ex-coaches since 1998"
  9. Im sure your legal advice would be valuable to those who need it at this critical time.
  10. I implied nothing. Cool your jets, counselor. It's never a bad idea to make sure one isn't wandering into actionable territory, especially in a highly volatile situation. You are the first lawyer Ive ever met who apparently thinks legal advice is a bad thing.
  11. I would be. But then I've always followed the adage, "the time to talk to a lawyer is before you need a lawyer."
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