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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. My conclusion is - we are a basketball school
  2. Now THERES the careful analysis I've been waiting for....
  3. I'm tired of their fruit baskets, and I've already been noted in their end-of-year-financial-report more than thrice.
  4. Help me out.. are we still #getting Hard or how is that working now?
  5. I was skeptical right on this here forum, since Friend was run out on a rail by Tennessee and they were happy to see his backside.
  6. Well, today Harsin truly united the Auburn fan base.
  7. Couldnt believe the thread title, had to check it out for myself
  8. We are pretty good at the spending money part.
  9. This is what we need (from a Neb forum): We need to find ways to proliferate physicality on both sides of the ball. So how do we catch this lightning in a bottle?
  10. Frost - next enrollee in the Nicky's School of Coaches Who Don't Coach Good ©
  11. I'm sure there's a seat open on Uncle Nicky's Coaching Rehab train....
  12. Suffice to say, this level of play won't cut it against Penn State.
  13. Read an article that said TAMU has 56 4/5 stars on their roster. Appy State has.......one.
  14. Yep. Bo gonna toss a lotta picks this year.
  15. I'm thinking he started to say "throw a 6-yard out on 3rd-and-10" but for some reason didn't complete the thought. I dunno...guessing here.
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