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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Its like the team expended all its energy and acumen in the first 15 minutes.
  2. Whelp, our kicker has them goal posts surrounded now..they better surrender and come quietly
  3. Eli pulled a good one.....calls a timeout, just to call a run up the gut EDIT: whelp, there goes our momentum from that outstanding 1st quarter.
  4. Im hoping they call that teacher back so I can find out what my homework is for Monday
  5. Everyone wears a wristband. The entire softball team wears wristbands. I'm pretty sure AU's All-SEC Cornhole Team wears wristbands.
  6. Hoping the next 3 quarters are full of the same energy and purpose
  7. RGIII has a fun personality, he's enjoyable to listen to
  8. True, but it's sorta like being named the World's Tallest Midget
  9. And now for the inevitable...... WHERE HAS THIS BEEN
  10. Fair point. PSU is definitely in the conversation.
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