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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. "I need more weightlifting equipment"
  2. Yep. I should have left after the first quarter.
  3. Some buyer's regret in Norman today, no doubt.
  4. Anyone sober in that tussle would have Jason Bourned those kids into the ICU. what a joke.
  5. On Cloud shoes are the shizznit. Trust me. Swiss engineering
  6. Disclaimer: the quote below is NOT an endorsement, per se, of Kiffin. But I think this description of the successful coach in the new 'portal-NIL' era is spot on (my boldface): But understand this: It’s more than just plucking players from the portal and mixing and matching and winning games. What Kiffin is accomplishing at Ole Miss is part marketer, part carnival barker, and full-time player acquisition and development — the latter being the most critical (and least likely to replicate).
  7. No Chip Lindsey = poll invalid. /s
  8. I predict that this will be one of the shortest threads on the forum today.
  9. Well, Harsin can't blame the fans... the JHS crowd was electric.
  10. Like last week... all- world in the 1st qtr, then we let them back in it
  11. I'm joining tailgating friends at Univ Station but I have no idea what they're making.
  12. Of course, but I meant the perceived culture clash and purported needed SEC 'adjustments '. Some folks were willing to write off this year at LSU to 'rebuilding ' but they will do significantly better than that.
  13. Finley is day-to-day. Just not Saturday.
  14. LSU is definitely on an upward trajectory, and Kelly seems to be finding his feet coaching-wise. Can't say the same here.
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