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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Stoops has a nice gig with modest expectations, doubt he'd give that up for this pressure cooker
  2. I agree that we have a good chance to beat OM. We seem to have their number just like Florida used to always have Tennessee's. That will probably keep CBH on the sideline through the IB.
  3. Lost to LA-Monroe. Do not want. /s
  4. But he's jacked! He squats a lot! Just watch! /s Looks like Tarzan, coaches like Jane
  5. pretty sure any three random kids from the student section can do as well.....
  6. I thought he was describing ole Grass Chewer.
  7. What is with this signing-your-posts stuff?
  8. Gruden is definitely more available now than when Tenn wanted him. Just sayin
  9. This may be heresy, but, to me, Grimes is the 'safe' hire. Not saying he wouldn't be a home run. But on the face of it, he's...safe.
  10. "The opposite of love isn't hate......it's indifference." - author I dont remember now
  11. Jimbo Fisher laughs at your silly number.
  12. Fair enough, was going on dim memory. My mistake, sorry. Still feel the same about the rest. Your mileage may vary. is it basketball season yet?
  13. Morality aside, I'm deeply skeptical that Urbs is a home-run hire anymore. His glory days are now almost twenty years ago, and his NFL stint was an epic dumpster fire. I see no evidence that he's any more prepared to excel in the NIL era that others we have discussed...and he would demand the GNP of a South American country to come here. I'd put Prime ahead of Urbs, by far, if we are going to 'YOLO' on a coaching hire...and its not even close.
  14. Signing your posts is silly. Most respectfully, EagleEye67
  15. I'm waiting for our OL to buzz buzzz buzzzzz until they all congregate in the corner of the end zone, buzzzing away......
  16. ..and I bet he can squat more than Harsin
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