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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Any HC with Steele as coordinator would have to spend most of his time watching his back.
  2. which is actually spelled C-H-I-P L-I-N-D-S-E-Y
  3. He had fun in Fayetteville, thats for sure...
  4. "Give me Mike Gundy and I'll give you........a mullet."
  5. Defense. His "defenses" are terrifying, and not in a good way.
  6. There's two options here... Deion.....or JABA.
  7. Is that because Bruce got the jab(s)? J/K
  8. He strikes me as more of a Two Men and a Truck guy...
  9. I'm still looking for these so-far-mythical "taking up for Harsin" people....do they really exist? People with last names other than "Harsin," I mean....
  10. He might have pics of someone with a potato
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