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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Puts aucom96 down as a "no".
  2. I detect a lack of imagination
  3. I will say, though, that the folks here who had an issue with the Harsin daughters' attire are going to have a real issue with this hire.
  4. Ya know, this thread is going to seem really silly in retrospect when we end up with Rhett or Chip.
  5. There is no consensus hire here - not even Caddy. If he were hired and lost a few in '23, it would start all over again.
  6. weeelllllllllllllllllllllllll, I wouldn't say "mouldering." Sam Pittman might have a different idea. Not saying the Flames are going to the Playoffs, but DH has put a previously-unheard-of program on the radar.
  7. If it were LK, it would be a ton of Joey Freshwater crap. Pick the poison
  8. If Danny Hugh keeps Caddy, I'm down with it
  9. I agree. I think he would be driven, consumed by the mission of proving his detractors wrong.
  10. "Danny Hugh" "Say it again" "Danny Hugh" "Say it again" insane cackling
  11. It's like the Kobyashi Maru test....he reprogrammed the computer
  12. If they are out there, we'll find em
  13. I sure liked the 2002 uniforms better. I miss tearaway jerseys. I guess that dates me
  14. This, right here, is like the most JABA thing in the history of evah. /s
  15. If AU did an Ancestry.com home kit, it would come back at least 89% JABA. Its in the DNA.
  16. The delay might be Kiffin filling out that 58-point checklist...like a coaching SAT
  17. Now that would be some different strokes
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