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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. Well? Have we beaten Saban, Bowlcut, and won the west yet? we're waiting
  2. As long as he's never coached in Idaho, I'll allow it.
  3. Funny part is Hugh's biggest haters are Caddy's and Gus's biggest fans..but they have nothing to say about both those mens' very public support of the hire. Telling.
  4. we get it. go on and check out. got it. but quit polluting the forum with the same crap over and over.
  5. I see that more than 75% of my ignored "members" have interjected themselves into this thread. No surprise there. I completely understand the objections. He was def not my first choice. He has extremely heavy baggage. I dont condone, support, anything he has done in the past. He has failed in many ways. He has an incredible mountain to climb in the PR respect. If I were the exalted Auburn PTB...I would have gone elsewhere. But... They did not. They, in their infinite wisdom, chose Danny Hugh. Having said that, since I cannot stop their choice... I still wish the best for Auburn University. I want him to succeed. I want our school to succeed. If he wins, we all win. That's what I want. I want his words to be true. I want him to win for himself, and for AU. If he fails, it will be soon apparent, and the expected consequences will follow. Until that time, I will support the coach that Gus Malzahn, Caddy Williams, and others we deeply respect have gone ON RECORD that they support. If they have done so, I can do no less.
  6. ...looking for the Shivers thread?
  7. I think you're selling Caddy short here. He's too smart to take a purely ceremonial position here..... after what he just did, his stock has never been higher. If that were true, he'd go somewhere else for a more substantial role.
  8. My ignore option is sure getting a workout....
  9. It's OK, NM State isn't on our schedule next year
  10. Still coordinating riot police, first responders, and the National Guard
  11. Are you saying that Cohen has a hill to climb?
  12. Oh, I know football drives the train and pays the bills. Perception is reality.
  13. I just wish we could get our Bruce Pearl in football. sigh
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