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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. I'm thinking more and more that AU dodged a bullet (train) when LF overplayed his hand and stayed in Oxford. Glad he wasn't hired.
  2. Better than being Howard the Duck, I guess the movie that killed Lea Thompson's career stone dead
  3. Joey Freshwater could not look less interested in this game. Guess 9 million a year isn't enough to buy his attention.
  4. Still holding out hope for that Yeungling fountain
  5. Guess I'll go over to the Rivals subforum to find out who CHF has hired at Auburn....
  6. Merry Christmas to all! May your Auburn season be merry and bright :)
  7. One thing is certain, if the NCAA sets it up, it will be a disaster
  8. Yeah, at least let the man lose a few games first
  9. I dont think we will really know what we just lost.....for a while.... but when we are buried in the coach-speak and so on...... then we will have perspective. And cry even more. This is a sad day.
  10. One of the heroes of this sport. One of the few, and now there is one fewer. I've followed him since Texas Tech and always cheered him on. This is so terrible. One of our lights has gone out. God speed, Coach Leach. You were one in a million.
  11. Another shout-out to aubiefifty for the great article roundups. I read every one, and appreciate what you do. Thanks.
  12. Will be greatly missed. A terrible loss to everyone who knew him and to college football itself. We are much poorer now for the loss of his wit and personality. Godspeed Coach Leach.
  13. I know there's legit reasons to doubt the hire, but so far CHF is hitting all the right notes. So far, so good.
  14. This is an outstanding hire. Montgomery + Freeze should produce an outstanding offense.
  15. At least they got rid of him before he could do real damage
  16. I know scruff is all the deal now, but I guess its too much to wish the guy would shave. Jeez
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