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Everything posted by kennypowers

  1. Because they took a team with talent and fixed the chemistry but couldn't follow through with their own recruits. The coaches like Bowden etc who won instantly. Fools gold.
  2. If you can't see that Gus was a bad HC, nobody will change your mind, more does anyone care to. No player development whatsoever. None. Attitudes wrecking the team chemistry. He was not a good coach. He relied on talent and goofy schemes which are now obsolete. Fun when it was fresh and run with a very specific QB skill set. He's not a head coach... He's a coordinator who got lucky.
  3. Sounds like coach knows how to recruit.
  4. No way in hell Saban is that high. Leach could take him. You know leach got some pirate sword or something. Kiffin is also too high. I see him as a fetus curler.
  5. I think the O-Line may surprise us.
  6. A win against bama would have been fool's gold. Many things would have stayed the same for the worst. Toxicity, entitlement, and poor coaching would have remained and been more difficult to clear out. You say if every loss doesn't bother you, you're not a true Auburn fan. I would argue, if you can't accept this team is better mentally, physically, and coachally after all that cleansing, transferring, and rebuilding, then maybe you only look for the worst and therefore are not a true Auburn fan.
  7. Politicians want to get involved because they want a piece of the pie.
  8. I will be shocked at anything worse than 9-3
  9. As long as Ashford doesn't go rogue with the running like nix did. I trust whoever Harsin picks.
  10. In Middle-High School, we'd always get a group of guys to pitch in for the PPVs. Some of the best wrestling back in the day w/ WCW v WWF. Crazy stuff they were doing back then.
  11. I have that exact picture signed. My dad ran into them at a Kinkos in Knoxville way back in the day.
  12. Dude, he was joking. Everyone else got it. Move on.
  13. I'm sorry, but KD Johnson is just not a good fit for this team.
  14. Donaldson should be our #1 PG. None of the others have shown they have progressed or grown thus far. Especially KD.
  15. Koy Moore is the new person I'm most excited about...but that's an obvious choice. Let's dance w/ the gal that may not get as much love.
  16. KD Johnson missed how many wide open threes?
  17. Dish by Westry at 8:45 in the 3rd quarter was not a freshman pass. Kid is going to be special.
  18. Educate me if you have time. That just doesn't make sense in my brain.
  19. Westry, Traore, Broome, Donaldson, and Flannigan That's who my 5 would be. Deep ass team. Like.
  20. That kids highlight reel is pretty crazy. Stick him at OT.
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