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Everything posted by kennypowers

  1. Life Finebaum...I just stopped giving them my time. They offer zero additional information you can't find here.
  2. Plumlee is a crazy athlete. He'll make UCF look like Auburn with Nick Marshall (on offense), and certain Auburn fans will continually bring Gus' record up at UCF. Plumlee is that fast...just not the best arm/decision maker. Unfortunately for him, he won't learn anything new under Gus...except maybe some bad habits. If UCF has a top 50 defense, they will flirt with a big bowl. Otherwise, it'll be a shootout every game for them.
  3. My biggest pet-peeve about that site is that people actually get paid to produce "content".
  4. You should aim higher and say it at least another thousand times.
  5. To be fair to them and their anxiety...when was the last time we had a QB actually develop and get better? Saw flashes from Bo, but he just couldn't let go of his scramble game. Maybe the speed of the game won't be as fast in the Pac-12 for him. I hope he starts and plays well...I can't help but be concerned for his mental health at least a little. TJ's arm though is special...much like Bo, has the game slowed down a little? Clearly he's done his part with the work etc. which he should absolutely be praised for. We brought in two guys to replace him, and he's saying no...just like an Auburn man should. I remember his tweet after Ashford's commit, and I was concerned he'd fold. He did the opposite.
  6. Thought on Finley: Poor OL and Poor WR last year. Kid has a cannon...from what I see in the fall, he's hitting his guys. 2nd year under a QB developer. I'm good with Finley...honestly, I think I'd start to feel uneasy if anyone else took the reigns at this point. The more Finley is mentioned or hinted at as the leader, the more we should all get excited for his development. If he's the starter and healthy, I don't see any reason he can't pass for 2500 minimum.
  7. Are people actually debating whether Hunter is in jeopardy of losing the #2 spot? He's not...not even close.
  8. MMW Team sack record & a +1 Turnover Margin (avg)
  9. Oof Ashford ... Finley looking on point. Whoever can handle the lights or kick it up a beat when they come on. Calzada didn't look bad at all...but Finley dropping dimes. Today....in practice. All things with a grain of salt.
  10. I have no faith in the NCAA after watching the updykes and their boats, books, suits, houses, and cars scheme for a decade and **crickets** Now that NIL is in play, I think they'll just be softer than normal.
  11. Their road schedule is pretty rough. I guess I just don't like Tennessee. Grew up in Oak Ridge (20 minutes from Knoxville). Yeah...I just don't like Tennessee (or their fans).
  12. Also, it's the longest stretch we've gone w/out a 10 win season since '97 - 2004 We're due.
  13. Perhaps it's more simple than anyone of us believe. Maybe...small chance...but maaaaaaaybe, coach thinks like this: Finley - WRs eat Calzada - TEs eat Ashford - RBs eat Thoughts on this kindergarten thought process? Should I just get back to work?
  14. Hard to pinpoint it...just feels like a Malzahn season where we were expected to be better, but just crashed. Lot of High dollar recruits streaming into a program that hasn't done anything in 16 years...relying on talent and schemes rather than development...maybe I just don't like Tennessee. I see quite a few transfers in the future. Maybe I just see their goober-ass looking coach, and I think..."seems familiar". Auburn '14 maybe? '16? I'm bad at pinpointing my feelings, but they're more often right than wrong. But, then again...maybe I just don't like Tennessee.
  15. Anyone else feel like Tennessee is getting way too much love? Their situation feels...familiar.
  16. If he had an attitude change and decided to work rather than acting like he's entitled to the QB spot. Love Bo's game, but he thought he knew it all.
  17. That dude does slip a lot. Probably cutting before fully planted. I wish he'd just surprise a guy and bowl his ass over. He's got the power to do so.
  18. I think so because you want them to be QBs first. If he's not the best QB, do you want him out there playing the Nix game just because he's fast? Pocket QB, to me, seems like it takes a load off the OLine
  19. It's crazy how much a QB decision consistently affects our preseason mentality 😹 Trying to rid myself of my previous thoughts on Finley. The guy was a 4* Just eye test isn't amazing. Whoever it is, just don't be scared to get hit. And don't scramble on the snap. That eye test on Finley and the fear of someone with Ashfords legs just bolting on pass plays is the only reason I settle on calzada. However I was at A&M and he was trash against us but for 2 or 3 throws. I mean, I was embarrassed lost to the guy.
  20. My biggest concern is,and we won't know for a while, but has Finley peaked as a QB, and is his future in coaching? People say he has tough times with short throws because he's so tall, but I'm like dang MFer....he's been 6'-13" for a while now. I think, if truly happy at Auburn, he's a guy that comes back and jumps on the coach train.
  21. Gus won on pure recruiting talent and schemes...there was no development of players because he didn't know how to teach. He is not capable of helping players get to the NFL...the few that went went solely on talent and their efforts.
  22. Sure coach. Whatever you want to believe.
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