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Everything posted by kennypowers

  1. It's all there for the taking folks. These tigers can do it.
  2. Texas defensive coordinator is going to ruin the magic moment.
  3. Kicker named Auburn puts Texas in the lead over Alabama.
  4. Pretty terrible officiating in this game except for the targeting communication
  5. Referees refused to call obvious PI until this last drive.
  6. If he turns his body there is a good 20 yards on the ground. Blown away that gus managed to lose to Louisville. Wonder what's going through kobe Hudson head atm
  7. Speaking of Gustavious. Bad loss tonight. Terrible calls and Redzone woes. Seems familiar. No Kobe Hudson sighting either.
  8. No, Jeremy was just a product of Gus relying on his skills being good enough...if he was ever developed, he could have been elite. The comparisons only seem to be regarding size/skin color. Jeremy should sue Gus
  9. Ashford made mistakes that would cost us a game in the SEC as well. Left Koy Moore WIDE open on the sidelines twice while running too soon or attempting a much more difficult throw. Kid has talent, but he's not ready to lead this team as it's main QB. Plus, if your tight end has to give you whiplash yanking you back from talking s***, then you've got some growing up to do. Team game.
  10. Closer to a block in the back than a pancake.
  11. If they delay, and the crowd leaves, move the game into the indoor facility. Not really.
  12. Plenty of teams have been successful running a Pocket QB and a Running QB.
  13. Finley too had a nice block near the line of scrimmage. Robby seems to welcome the contact...just remember which shoulder you throw with.
  14. Film quality of this game is blah wherever you find it. Most of the full games on YT omit the first quarter or half. This is off the 19 minute highlight.
  15. Underthrow on the 2nd INT. Also Finley balls had 2 or 3 drops. Sucks for TJ, as it on my drags the narrative, but still over 60% with those drops. Over 70% without. Johnson let up a little thinking he was clear...hence his disappointment after catch. Incomplete deep ball (PI call) by Robby into double coverage with Moore wide open on the out. The BS fumbled punt...amazing he got.it through that gap, but still...fumbled ball should be a free target. Ball Robby fit between defenders to Shenker...again Moore wide open at the bottom. Good throw, but not the smart one. That ball is picked or batted down in sec play. Robby underthrow receiver on out and up single man coverage. Could be miscommunication. This one just feels to me like a Bo Nix play. Maybe it was designed that way, but 2 receivers and open field to the left. May have been a boot. Have to rewatch. I'm cheering for both to have continued success and run a two QB system a la Leak/Tebow. Nobody should ever dog an Auburn player unless their attitude is out of balance, and they're causing I ternal stress. Tese are very fixable issues. Let's see how they respond in game 2 Both have minor issues to fix. Repetition and confidence. Special Year Don't waste your time hating and arguing. Enjoy Auburn how you like to enjoy it...just don't start s*** because you're insecure and need to engage. War Damn TJ War Damn Robby WAR DAMN EVERYBODY
  16. I don't care how much work someone needs. The bigger the lead early the better against any opponent.
  17. Also Finley did have two drops. 2 or 3. Both by vets. Shenk and Tank. Did Shed drop one? Those guys catching those balls gets him at 70% completion. Just can't underthrow the deeps.
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