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Everything posted by WarEagleHunter1221

  1. The lack of talent on the OLine has absolutely cost us a multitude of games spanning a multitude of years. That’s not my opinion. That’s an absolute fact. If Gus would have recruited OLine like he should have he would still have his job today and we wouldn’t be having arguments on whether or not Harsin’s game management cost us a win. It’s literally that simple.
  2. That’s not a culture change, that’s been the norm. We haven’t had fire on our OLine since Gus graduated the 2014 guys. This isn’t a new thing.
  3. I think the talent is there for the LBs. The inexperience definitely shows with the soon to be starters that played today. I’m hoping a full year with the new defensive scheme will help with that. They seem to do okay on the run but they are as lost as I’d be on pass coverage. McClain and Wooten are walking out with a whooooooooole lot of experience.
  4. I’m more worried about getting an Oline than I am about getting a QB. Would love to start seeing some movement on that front soon
  5. We’re 3-4 serviceable OLineman and one good QB from being competitive next year. LB play will be wait and see. I could see Harsin pushing the Freshman QB to start. He loves that guy and his skill set.
  6. In a freshman Bo way. Personally I don’t care how he throws it so long as he can throw it. What scares me is always the possibility of what may happen when they try to tweak them. I feel the same when someone goes to the NBA and they tweak their shooting form. However this is my extremely uneducated opinion.
  7. Ward is an absolute baller. His fundamentals scare me. Lolol.
  8. Man idk how this will play out but doesn’t it feel good to have such a breath of fresh air in the program?
  9. Damn. Had high hopes for this kid. Also would have had a good chance to see the field next year. Wonder what’s the deal with the turnover in the DB room.
  10. Exactly. I’ve been “meh” on Bo for a while but no ill will. The way he’s handled this whole transfer situation has absolutely changed that for me. “I’ve been doing what’s best for Auburn”. What? Get out of here dude. Basically saying “y’all be thankful I blessed Auburn with my presence.”
  11. This is totally my opinion but for all the “Bo loves Auburn” sentiment that’s been passed around, I feel the feeling may not be a strong as some believe it to be. At least not anymore. So I’m not surprised.
  12. This isn’t surprising to me. I think he’s a good fit for Ole Miss and Kiffen. They fit each other’s style.
  13. I’m excited about Davis. I just hate there’s been little to no info on him throughout the season. Anyone got any good insider info on him? Or at least some rumblings? Im anxious to get a fresh start next year.
  14. So wait, have these rumors been squashed or is he a serious contender for TAMU?
  15. This is the only bad part of delaying the OC announcement but hopefully he’ll hang on until we can at least get our guy in for a conversation or two. I wonder who else they’ve been seriously evaluating. I’m not overly impressed with the current QBs in the portal. Slovis is the best available IMO. After that I’m just not sure any of them are an upgrade from what we had or have on roster. More serviceable than anything. I think Cameron Ward is either going to be an absolute monster or flame out. I can’t make my mind up on him. He’s got some crazy taoe that’s for sure.
  16. I don’t think he ever went ot OSU. Was committed to them and then flipped to UF on signing day. Could be wrong but that’s how I remember it.
  17. Let’s hope for a better second half. Getting good looks but not hitting shots. These underdogs are the ones that get you.
  18. Someone in another thread told me that he can stay as an off the field personnel and still go on the recruiting trail, it’s just rare. Need to sit one of these other guys who haven’t done anything any let Trovon go. Also as you said, pay that man a little more. He talks on Twitter like he wants to get into coaching though. Maybe bring him on as special teams? Not sure how many coaches we got on staff now.
  19. Right. Anyone remember Chandler Cox throwing a 50/50 ball to Will Hastings in the Iron Bowl? That is literally the DUMBEST thing I’ve ever seen.
  20. 100% agree. I saw a post earlier from Malcolm Askew about our two new DB commits where he was congratulating them and excited he was able to host them and help bring new talent to the plains. Dude was our biggest recruiter during his class and still continues to be despite his career not panning out and him barely seeing the field. I’m suppose to believe Bo is more Auburn than that because he grew up going to games? I just ain’t buying it. I rooted for him until this year when I finally seen the writing on the wall. Dude is average at best. The way this entire thing has panned out has made me lose even more respect for him honestly. Making this big show about transferring. Weird. I still hope he finds success at his next destination but I wish that for all our transfers just like everyone else should. Bo Nix is not more Auburn than the other players on our team. It’s that simple.
  21. Literally not one single person that wanted Gus gone will ever come out and say they wished he’d come back so I wish people would stop being so doom and gloom in order to push that rhetoric. Y’all gave Gus a mile but Harsin doesn’t get an inch. Admittedly dude made some questionable calls and hasn’t been up to par in recruiting the O-Line but were y’all Auburn fans the past 8 years or nah?
  22. Cool. I wasn’t sure if that was allowed. Needs to be a move Harsin implements ASAP.
  23. I’m excited about this I think. Side Note: How do we keep Trovon on the recruiting trail? 🧐🧐
  24. Man these reporters have been running wild the past few weeks.
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