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Everything posted by WarEagleHunter1221

  1. And testimate to Bruce Pearl’s ability to evaluate talent.
  3. Have we ever had a guy transfer in from UA? I’m sure we have. I just can’t recall one from my most recent memory.
  4. Not outside of the Dr and the lawyer from Reddit from what I’ve seen. A few random tweeters.
  5. I do think the coaches know what they are doing and I am optimistic we will see results soon. I’m just anxious to see results with this position group sooner rather than later because it’s the most important issue to fix.
  6. I agree. Plus visiting right after a NC win sells itself. If GA gets Williams we are all in big trouble.
  7. The OLine problems are dire and it’s making me extremely nervous at this point. I was hoping to see some movement, even just one or two guys before the semester started. These problems were not created by this coaching staff but they got no choice but to fix them. If Harsin has to handle it personally then let him. I’m sure I’m overreacting but I’m sick and ****ing tired of going into the season with the same lackluster talent. The vast majority of OLineman in the portal can start for Auburn today and we haven’t had any movement on this front. What’s happening here? We need some traction.
  8. Better USC than GA. Could you imagine their fan base if they win a National Championship AND get the top transfer in the portal? I’d be absolutely sick, but not surprised.
  9. That’s definitely not good. You could almost see something pop in his leg. 🤢
  10. Just goes to show that stars don’t necessarily equate future success. Got to be coupled with the right system, right attitudes, and right coaches. (Not saying he didn’t have these, just making a general statement)
  11. When is the last day they can enroll for spring semester? We need some movement on the OLine bad. The momentum would really help.
  12. Let’s move on to Dart then. Or Ashford. Just someone to compete with Calzada.
  13. I think so too. Alot of the turnovers are not “forced” but rather just careless. Auburn plays so fast that sometimes it’s too fast. However if they perfect these bounce passes they like so much… look out! Lolol
  14. I was thinking the same thing this whole game. Wish he would develop the confidence to shoot like he does. I got no doubt he can hook shot all day if he wanted to.
  15. Killer win. College basketball is a crazy, crazy sport. My only complaint is clean up the turnovers.
  16. His youth showed right there I believe. He’ll learn.
  17. Whewwwww. That was an awful 20 seconds of play just then.
  18. I love every player on this basketball team with a burning, burning passion but KD if far and beyond my personal favorite. He can be frustrating at times but dude plays with more effort than any player on the basketball court at any time. Did y’all see that PURE hustle off the floor after that shot?? LIQUID ADRENALINE!!!
  19. Castleton is just better than Cardwell. He can’t handle him and it’s keeping this game close. That and the refs. Just got to hang on.
  20. Bad shot there. Love Johnson and his go get it style of play. He likes to take control of the game himself. Sometime that’s good, sometimes that’s bad.
  21. Dude I swear Auburn beat writers hate Auburn. Lol. I know they have to be unbiased but seems like they are biased in the wrong direction.
  22. What a weird article to put out. I wish it wouldn’t have gained any traction because all this does is make people draw more attention to it. This is not an Auburn thing. Watch Twitter after UGA and/or Bama loses Monday and neither one of those fanbases have anything to ***** about. Alabama’s kicker had to remove himself from social media all together after the kick six because of death threats. Felipe Franks was in tears after a game once because of death threats from Florida fans. This is an everywhere problem. This article feels like a hit piece completely creating this narrative that Auburn fans are the world’s worst. I’m pretty active on Twitter and rarely do I see Auburn fans under recruits tweets or under a players tweets. It happens but not like it’s being portrayed in the article. Also if this works, printing out opposing fans tweets and giving it to recruits parents, then why aren’t we doing the same because I could find hundreds right now.
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