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Everything posted by WarEagleHunter1221

  1. I know we love to shoot a three but we need to come out this second half and penetrate that zone they are running. We’ve had good looks at it but haven’t hit them consistently.
  2. We are shooting 57% and still down by 7. Lol. If OM keeps scoring like this we gone be in trouble. Love Bruce and his halftime adjustments though.
  3. Ain’t really much you can do about this kind of shooting. Also they don’t have any fouls but we are also not really driving it inside. Hard to get foul calls on 3s. At least they ain’t calling a ton on us like at UA.
  4. They are absolutely taking it to us. I don’t think they’ve missed a shot yet. This is crazy.
  5. I wonder if we are still in the running here. He was red hot on commitment watch and has completely cooled.
  6. I saw that too and was wondering. Gotta be something behind it.
  7. Dude this thread and the transfer portal thread are totally out of control. Been nothing pertaining to the topic of the thread for days. Just straight clutter.
  8. If we miss out on Lacy and Torrence considering they’d almost surely be day one starters, that would suck. Offense looking putrid.
  9. I really hate this. I felt like he could be a major contributor. Plus we ain’t got that many edge guys.
  10. Yep. That’s why I get so anxious about it. I really like this current coaching staff and feel they could be building something. I don’t want one position group to ruin their chances and if one position group can sink them it is OLine because it completely renders the offense inefficient no matter how elite the playbook may be. For me it’s a matter of grabbing three good OLineman and possibly buying yourself extra seasons. The problem can be fixed but we are working from way behind by not putting OLineman in the NFL regularly in recent years. That’s why I want Friend out and an NFL guy in. That’s help cushion that a bit.
  11. Yeah let’s get back to the subject. Ole Miss has been picked as the fit for Dart by the media. Then again Ole Miss will probably get mentioned for any QB transfers because of Kiffen. Dart is talented and I’d love it if he swung by Auburn after Miss.
  12. It’s all these “insiders” and “reporters” who push these rumors without any basis behind them getting everyone worked up. Then when the person doesn’t come it’s fans who look foolish. Lolol. I’m sure Auburn showed interest in him and he showed interest in Auburn just like any other recruit we are after, whether he was coming here or not. It’s the outside media that makes these things muddy and makes Auburn look dumb or scorned. Caleb Williams would have been amazing. I’m sure the coaches put the full court press on him too. I am also sure they have a plan b and a plan c.
  13. What was the point in this post? This is a fun area. Lolol. Everyone knows that. It’s a running Joke started when AU destroyed blue blood row in 2018/2019.
  14. Didnt know that tidbit. Even more deserved. Their football team had it twisted up though. Should have stayed in their sport. Our basketball team ain’t in a rebuild, we built already.
  15. I’m not usually one for showboating (not because I’m against it. I actually love it but am a crazy person who never wants to jinx anything) but this is deserved. Fans (not students) were ripping into our guys all night. At one point one old man was going at Jabari after he hit that jumper in the second half, you know he is an 18 year old kid…….
  16. Depending on the officiating crew Kessler will continue to get foul calls because he’s big. SEC Officiates in basketball are notoriously a joke and if we make it to March I hope we will see a better crew. Sucks for Kessler because he’s robbed of getting to play. Going to have to find a way around it.
  17. No joke that one 3 minute stretch of basketball where Alabama went on a 12-0 run was the worst basketball I’ve seen Auburn play this season and Alabama capitalized on every bit of it. I’m not one to blame refs unless I feel it’s necessary but there were some completely bogus foul calls that kept this game from being a complete blow out.
  19. Foot on the gas and foot on the neck!! Come on Auburn!!
  20. I could see that argument in the hindsight of now. Unfortunately we will never know what Cooper could have been at Auburn.
  21. I know Pearl is game managing but if Jabari is pushing to stay in let that man eat! I want to see him destroy someone.
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