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Everything posted by SaturdayGT

  1. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/560480-us-finishes-dead-last-in-media-trust-among-46-countries-heres-why
  2. This site is like microcosm of reality...whats the dominant side on this site? What side is more controlling...who's more likely to get shut down, or banned?...cant be to hard to figure out...
  3. Tons of BS to kick around for money, the gleefully gullible are full farce...
  4. Kinda crazy this was done 11 years ago.....talk about a premonition lol
  5. You do you! Wear 3 masks...save yourself!!...sit back, watch the Armageddon....
  6. I think "thou shall not kill" covers any questions regarding abortion...
  7. Yeah...the all black jerseys are Awesome.....cant loose at home against the Ray's tho......no matter, ....looking like the Avs are unstoppable.
  8. Canes loose 2nd OT. .we can play in Nashville though! Great experience for Nedelkovich!...the ice is strong with this rookie!
  9. I caught a snippet of a bruins game the other day. Its the first time Ive seen them this year....I still feel a little new to Hockey, but everytime I see the Bruins play, Im alway blown away at they way they can pass and set up shots on goal....gotta admit its fun to watch!!...But dang,...I hate when The Canes play you guys...you definitely have our number!
  10. Anyone keeping up with the NHL playoffs? My Canes are looking good so far!!
  11. I totally agree with BP. ....At the same time, Im 100% in the camp of getting politics out of all sports.
  12. Man I really appreciate all this! Lots of good info here! ETFs are a new thing for me so ill have to look into those a little further. Ive been more of let it set and forget it type throughout the history of the investment, it wasnt until recently that I started to really look at things. ....So I have a full time job and a part time job. My full time job has accounted for the the vast majority of my retirement savings, which was in that managed fund. I started a 401K through my part time job and they have it all in Vanguard target 2035...looking at the performance between the 2, the target fund has taken off like a rocket compared to the managed fund, which was almost stagnant the last several years. Im honestly a little...well very, frustrated because I feel like I missed out on a lot of the market success, and I could be in a way better position if so much of my retirement was better managed. I realize Ive got to be careful when I start to allocate, because Im tempted into putting it into something higher risk for the sole reason of trying to make up for what I could have gained! So I know Ive got to be smart about it, but I am definitely leaning to try to be more aggressive. Thats why that whole taking the 100 minus your age and using that as the percentage to invest in the riskier funds. Ill see if I cant find and take that risk tolerance quiz. Im sure theres one I can look up, but if you have one in particular you recommend, let me know!
  13. So to start, I dont dabble much in my retirement. My company started a SAR/SEP fund for retirement years ago and I just basically let it do its thing. Now, they are moving it all into a Vanguard account to get rid of all the management fees and what not. With this move, I am now in charge of managing my funds how I see fit, and since Im not on top of this stuff very well, Im trying to throw out feelers to get opinions to help make some decisions on what to do going forward . My boss, who is really involved in investing, recommends to stick with investing it in either the S&P 500 , target retirement, or a combination of the two. He has made some valid points on why. ...Another persons advice was to subtract your age from 100, use that number as a percent to put into something a little more high risk, but keep the other portion in something like the S&P 500. That way, you start off a little more risky, but the older you get, the less risk you take. ...Sounds like theres alot of schools of thought out there, so Id love to get some thoughts from others on it all.
  14. Great song!..can't help but wonder what Freddy mercury would do with this song,...just not sure it could be sung much better....
  15. Have any of you all done much with stay and play packages? I went with a buddy to a place called Baneberry up near Knoxville Tennessee back in 2014 and it was a really good deal. It seemed like it was just over 100 bucks a piece for unlimited golf over the weekend. Beautiful area, fun course. Kinda in the middle of nowhere and it was like a 20 or 30 minute ride into Knoxville. Kinda thought about doing that again....Then my mind started wandering to ideas like Florida, then finally started to consider places like Scottsdale or Tucson AZ. ....To play Golf in Arizona is definitely a golf bucket-lister for me!...Anyways, looking around the web, seems like theres a ton of different sites with package deals. Alot of them seem to want your phone number and email to quote prices, and Im not so keen on giving that info out. Anyone know of a good trustworthy site to kinda browse around some package deals like that?
  16. Uggh...My Canes may be done. Svech, our best player is done for the season....still though,....gotta love hockey! With the lack of sports on, Im just glad to watch whoever at this point. I really hope some of the people who never gave Hockey much a chance give it a little attention this year. ...I just feel like there's just a huge mass of people here in the south that just sort of ignores it and just totally misses out on such an amazing sport!
  17. It's great point and I dont have any argument with that. Books and education is the way to go for sure. I guess my point is that I believe statues and monuments are good, artistic ways to spark an interest in something, which in turn may lead you to study up and get educated on whatever person or event.
  18. I dont know anything about Nathan Bedford Forrest and the story surrounding him, but, again....I guess everybody just has a different take on things. For me, statues seem to represent figures in a historical event. Not always necessarily to glorify them. Like Columbus.....again, as a Kid when I was not completely old enough to learn the details of how horrible he was, Columbus was the guy who sailed across the Atlantic that really sparked my imagination. Sure, later on I realized Columbus was a horrible guy, but Im not going to snort, snarl and try to bite the foot off of every statue I see of him, lol. In fact, knowing what I know.... what I think of when Columbus comes to mind, I honestly dont think much about the guy himself, but I do think alot about the feat it was to cross the Atlantic, and still Imagine what it must have been like to have been on one of those ships and the conditions they endured.
  19. Another thing, even if its a statue of George Washington, or somebody you have learned a ton about in Elementary School....It still sparks a little re-interest in the Revolutionary war, the birth of our country, or what have you, and may even raise some other questions you may not have thought about to do some research on. I mean love em or hate em, thats kinda the whole idea behind statues, and art. ...at least thats how I see them.
  20. I dont know about anyone else, but I remember seeing statues as a kid that raised my curiosity enough to ask my Parents about them. Hell, even now, Ive seen statues around of people and things that I was not so familiar with and been curious to stop and read a little about it. I just think its all a good thing.
  21. Hey, History is Education!...I think it will have a great purpose, especially for all of our youth to come. Plus, we could really use a little something constructive, rather than destructive at this moment in time.
  22. Well statues seem really important to people right now. Unity right now is worth investing in, just as much as infrastructure and education...at least ballpark if anything, dont ya think?
  23. Go outside, play this and listen to everyone celebrate!...its great!!
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