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Everything posted by ClaytonAU

  1. They were keying in on him tonight. No room for him to run, and a hold negated a big run from him. @Momma Worm will probably have more on his game
  2. Beating Bama out for an instate top RB is huge. Welcome to the family Asa!
  3. Phenix City is split 50/50 AU/Bama imo. But Central for whatever reason leans Bama a lot more. Coach Dubois is familiar and comfortable with Saban.
  4. You're wrong, but that's okay, I won't argue with you.
  5. All three of them committed on NSD, and it was a known fact that if we landed Byron, we'd get Jeff Holland and Ryan Davis. Which is why JHolland waited until after BC.
  6. Byron Cowart committed on NSD and brought Ryan Davis and Jeff Holland with him. So... false.
  7. I purposefully left out Ole Miss so this thread wouldn't get too derailed hahah
  8. I have a dream that one day people will accept the fact that everyone pays players, everyone is just discreet.
  9. Heard from different places that Bo's "I promise Auburn isn't my #1 school" is all a facade and he'll be at AU regardless of whether we get Fields.
  10. @Momma Worm I just said the paycheck comment in satire, didn't mean I wanted to pay him or anything!
  11. Kid deserves a paycheck for what he's done this cycle
  12. @bigbird tell me about this guy and how you feel about him at safety
  13. Currently serving and attending North Highland Church! I'll be going to ministry school there in the Fall.
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