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Everything posted by ClaytonAU

  1. We do, just don’t have the personnel to do so.
  2. I agree on the grad transfer route btw. But I think there is something special in this kid if we can get it out of him. Whether that be at RB (unlikely) or Mario Fannin role (more likely).
  3. No one is defending him. All I did was say I’d probably rather have him than someone else. Ole Miss or anywhere else. If the staff wants to take him I bet they know better than most of us.
  4. I’d rather we try to make him good then he go somewhere else and become a terror against us. That’s just me though.
  5. Y’all remind me why you guys don’t want him again? He avoids contact for his size and slow played us the first time? That’s it right?
  6. I said from the beginning if the staff couldn’t keep this legacy we’d be in trouble. Glad Bo is staying home. WDE.
  7. Matthew Hill doesn’t even tweet that often at all.
  8. Gatewood doing work on Anthony Schwartz and securing Matthew Hill.
  9. It’s funny to me seriously because like why wouldn’t AU take this kid? He’s got so much potential and we wouldn’t take him because he runs like a finesse back? Don’t buy that. There’s a reason LSU dropped him and there’s a reason we did too for a time. Seems like Gus wants him because he’s pretty much taken over his recruitment as of late. He will probably end up being in our class. Gus is selling the Lutz/Fannin role to him.
  10. Only reason we haven’t is because he’s been playing games with every staff
  11. About the only one I can remember. Kid played us like a fiddle.
  12. He’ll make a contribution after his Freshman year. Silly to think the leading tackler this past season, a huge football IQ, and legit speed wouldn’t make a contribution on our defense.
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