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Everything posted by AUStew87

  1. Need to use Finley’s arm strength and go deep. edit: nevermind, couldn’t even hang on to the ball.
  2. 20 yard on an obvious run down against an air raid team. 🤦‍♂️
  3. That’s twice this year we have lost a player on a bull sh?t targeting call. The conference needs to clean house with these refs.
  4. I said can we get one look when Rodgers stated we will get multiple looks. Not even seeing it, I don’t expect it to stand the way this game is going now.
  5. Epic collapse. Hurt Bo, no running game, GA calling plays while Bobo naps… 😳
  6. 1st and 2nd play calls on this drive left a lot to be desired. Check down to Shivers was there at first glance.
  7. No advantage to giving Loy snaps. However this game plays out, just get the W.
  8. Guess you missed “if the score keeps going like this”.
  9. If the score keeps going like this then why not put Davis in? Only four games left in the season and I doubt we clear the bench against bama. I just like to see the kid in some real action.
  10. At this rate, we may get to see D Davis get some snaps.
  11. I just want to say that in my opinion the answer to our QB woes isn’t on the team yet or at the very least hasn’t been given a chance to play a down. I also don’t think the answer to the oline and WR problems are currently on the roster. Harsin needs time to rebuild this team.
  12. This game just proves how unprepared this team is when it comes taking the next step. Long way to go to be able to compete for any kind of a championship.
  13. That’s going to kill the drive. Can’t catch a break.
  14. Why not run to the marker. Throwing short, running short. Cmon Bo.
  15. I was just thinking, I don’t think we have hit Calzata in the back field all night. Have we?
  16. Need McCeary or Simpson to get a pick here. This could be the game defining drive for both teams the way this game is going.
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