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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Hope we can seal the deal with this guy. He is what I like to call a glider, doesn't wow you with highlight reel moves, but subtly moves past you. Played against a guy like him years ago. You break down to tackle him, and all of a sudden he disappears. Don't think he has elite speed, but neither did Emmet Smith.
  2. MLB is a total joke. Anyone who spends their money to watch MLB is being stolen from. The guys you see on the major league diamonds are not necessarily the best baseball players in the country. MLB is much more about how much money the team invests in you when they draft you. I have first hand knowledge of this with a family member who is now in the independent league hall of fame, inducted with Pedro Guerrero, and could never crack a major league starting lineup. Had the general manager of the Braves actually tell him he was probably the best player in the organization, but it was " more complicated than that." A 6'4" 235, power hitter, who can steal you a base, and flirted with . 400 in his last season in the independent league. Anyway, rant over. I'll never spend a dime of my money to watch the farce that is professional baseball.
  3. I go along with you there. I also quit watching the NFL for a number of reasons, most of which is the lack of the running game. Unfortunately the game has changed in both college, and professional football in the last 25 years. Linemen allowed to hold on every play, and receivers getting away with pushing off has drastically changed the game. I believe it has been by design to a degree. Offense sells tickets I guess.
  4. Er, Does that number 7 for ASU have any eligibility left? Like to get that boy as a graduate transfer.
  5. Wow! I don't know much about Lindsey, but am willing to give the man a chance. Look, I have been quite critical of Gus, but Damn. I seriously think some of the posters here could use a little more quality time with a member of the opposite sex. If you get my drift.
  6. This! If this means we will throw the ball more on first down, instead of just on a full moon, I'm all for it. Also, does this mean no more double play action fakes on third and 22?
  7. I wouldn't go that far brother. For every positive stat that Stat came up with for the running game, I can come up with a negative stat about our passing game, or the lack thereof.:
  8. This was the year to put UGA, and Kirby in their place.He was reeling in his first year, and the natives over here in GA were beginning to become restless. Gus crapped the bed, gave Kirby some momentum, and now the dog is off the chain. (Pun intended).
  9. I have been screaming most of these points all year. Problem is, Gus believes we already have the best offensive mind in college football .
  10. Sounds like an excellent evaluation, and plan moving forward. I do not however, feel that anyone in Auburn, especially Jay Jacobs will approach any where near this common sense solution. What I truly expect to happen is for Lashlee to be the sacrificial lamb, and Gus to promote Hand to his post, or hire another of his cronies, and nothing will change until he is run out of town .
  11. We have no chance to beat Bama if we had Franco Harris, much less Pettway. They are a very well coached, and disciplined team. We will lucky if we don't get run out of the stadium. Our defense may be the only hope to prevent that.
  12. Most disappointing thing to me was the play of the defensive line. They were getting physically whipped for much of the game. I have got to believe it was lack of effort, and not talent. Even though I thought Vandy was getting away with quite a bit of holding, that is no excuse.
  13. Am I a little psycho, because I keep having this recurring dream about Bubba running over Rueben Foster?
  14. I like the idea, however you have to actually hand the ball to the orbit motion guy once in a while. Most of the time he is just another fake the QB has to take time to fake to.
  15. Part of Franklin's success is because he is as fast as greased lightning. You can game plan all you want, but if allowed to run the entire offense, and can complete some timely passes. Good luck stopping him.
  16. Much more difficult on third down than on first.
  17. This is spot on Stat, and the real reason for our redzone struggles. Any way you can print this, and slip it under Malzahn's door?
  18. I agree totally Stat. I thought the same last year with White. A little ball control passing attack, setting up the run, and White can be very effective. I just don't have much faith in Malzahn making the necessary changes to his philosophy.That confused mess that we witnessed Sat. night pretty much confirmed my concerns that Gus is in way over his head. For example, we get to watch Auburn for 3.5 hrs 12 times a year, and any one of us can tell that Jeremy Johnson, bless his heart, is not a short yardage runner. Gus sees him every day in practice, and seems not to be able to figure this out. I held out hope that Gus would spend the last 9 months evaluating his offense, make the necessary changes, settle on a QB, and tailor a plan to utilize what he had. That is obviously not the case, if anything we have gone backwards, and look like we are drawing our offense up in the dirt on the playground. We faced a team Sat. night that blitzed us repeatedly, and we never ran any crossing routes in the vacated area, nor attacked the middle of the field at all that I can remember. Still holding out hope, because I like Gus, and he is recruiting some really fine athletes, but if he doesn't get this fixed and quickly he will be coaching back in FCS very soon. Buyout, or not.
  19. I am now convinced why Houston Nutt would not completely turn over his offense to Gus.
  20. Well, it's been an Auburn kinda night. Why are our games always so bizarre? This team is way too talented to be hamstrung by such awful coaching on offense.
  21. Woody Barrett would still have to run the dumbest plays in college football.
  22. Hey Gus! Redzone, line up heavy,and learn to use a tight end. Geez what an idiot!
  23. Guys I am totally flabbergasted, we have a chance to win this game despite our idiot of a head coach. I swear I am looking at a sandlot game on sunday after noon at the Recreation center.
  24. You have a 240lb tailback in your stable, and he remains on the bench on 4th,and 1?????
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