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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Yep, I'm expecting to see the whirlybird any minute now.
  2. Morris' offense? Who's Gus talking to on the headset his bookie?
  3. I like that play. Six points, and I don't have to watch our offense.
  4. That is one big dude. Looks kinda like Matt Jones running in the open field.
  5. Another poster in a different thread had it right. Gus calls plays. It doesn't matter if he has the personnel to execute said play, or not. The backside guard has never been able to get to the D end on that play. At least not when it's SEC talent. The play was stupid, and set the tone for the entire first half.
  6. Seth Williams is the difference maker on that offense. If I'm coaching you're going to have to contend with him on at least 6, or 7, 50-50 situations a game. He has the potential to be a Justyn Ross on our offense.
  7. Loved Bailey, and Sanders. Frank would just literally take the ball away from defenders. Early in that 94 game at Florida field, I knew Auburn was going to give Florida all they wanted that day simply by Bailey's body language. It was evident we had come to play.
  8. His offense was fun to watch until he ran out of top level recruits
  9. I was one of the ones elated with his hire. His type of attitude can become infectious.
  10. This kid is definitely no 3 star talent. His stock is for sure going to rise.
  11. Hope to see better racing than I've seen in the preliminary races this week. Plate racing used to be 2-3 wide racing with 3, or 4 lead changes in a single lap. This single line freight train stuff is beyond boring. I hope they were just being cautious, and this is not caused by Nascar mandated aero package. If so, they need to get it fixed. I'm hoping I don't see 3 hrs of follow the leader.
  12. Great post Stat. You said many things I have been thinking, but was not able to articulate in such a concise manner. Undisciplined football has long been my major concern when it comes to Gus. His entire coaching philosophy, at least on the offensive side is predicated more on smoke, and mirrors, and less on sound fundamental football.
  13. Im glad to hear someone else recognizes this. My question is why is this not being addressed in the film evaluations?
  14. Not looking to argue with you guys, but you have to be able to read defenses yourself before you can teach someone else to. I'll just leave it at that.
  15. QB issues seem to be a recurring theme at Auburn, and the one common denominator: Gus Malzahn. Unless you want to give him credit for teaching Nick Marshall, and Cam Newton how to run.
  16. So you're saying in two years no one has been able to teach him to read coverages. About what I expected.
  17. I would love an analysis of how many times per game Auburn has targeted the middle of the field in the passing game, and what percentage of those plays have been successful. It seems to me that the completion percentage is very high, yet the attempts per game are extremely minimal. Some things in the Malzahn/Lindsey offense continue to puzzle me. One being what you alluded to in your analysis, the lack of targets for Williams. Or, why when a deep ball is attempted its almost always Slayton that is the target. Call me crazy, but I think I would make somebody on the defense have to try to keep up with Shwartz at least 3, or 4 times per game on a deep ball.
  18. I,had to work yesterday, and didn't get to see the game live, but recorded it and watched it hurriedly last night. Two plays stuck out to me that are indicative of where this team's troubles are. One is what I call half assed effort: On the fumble play Brahms got run over, then proceeded to half jog behind the play, and watch as multiple players on both sides fought for the ball. If that's as fast as he can run then he has no business being on an SEC roster. I don't know what goes on in film study at Auburn, but that kind of lackadaisical effort will get you benched at a lot of places. The second one is the third, and five right before the missed 50+ field goal attempt. Not sure what we were trying to do there, but our right guard ( Horton I guess), is never going to get there trying to pull from the backside to block the defensive end! Why the hell can't our coaches see that? Again I ask " what goes on in film study at Auburn?"
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