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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. If that's targeting I'm done with football.
  2. I enjoy everyday. The outcome of a football game doesn't define my day.
  3. Well, congratulations. Hope it makes life in all the Alabama trailer parks seem a little less mundane. Maybe you should go to a Bammer board, and congratulate yourselves. I'm sure you could find some friends to converse with there as soon as "rasslin" is over.
  4. Gus being Gus. Hope he's taken the fam to Disney. He won't be in Orlando very long.
  5. Bammer, where buying players is an age old tradishun. Alabama football, 2002Edit Prior to 2002, Alabama football had been investigated by the NCAA three times. In 1995, the program was placed on probation for three years (later reduced to 2), required to give up 26 scholarships over a 3-year period (later reduced to 17), and forced to forfeit 8 victories from the 1993 season after the NCAA discovered that defensive back Antonio Langham had signed with an agent after the 1992 season but remained at Alabama. Another player was charged with receiving impermissible benefits from boosters, and the school was also charged with lack of institutional control. The 1995 penalties represented the first time Alabama had ever been placed on probation. In February 1999, the NCAA investigated claims of a slush fund created by former assistant basketball coach Tyrone Beaman; ultimately the allegation was not proven to be true, but the NCAA warned the university that severe sanctions would result if further violations occurred. May 1999 brought allegations against then-head coach Mike DuBose of improper conduct with a former secretary; DuBose initially denied the claim, only to later admit that it was true. The university paid $360,000 to settle.[28] In January 2001, an article in The Commercial Appeal, the newspaper in Memphis, Tennessee, reported that a head coach was paid $200,000 to direct a highly prized recruit to Alabama. The article followed online chat room comments alleging similar activities. The NCAA issued a notice to Alabama in February that it was investigating the program for violations. By August, a federal grand jury in Memphis was investigating and issued indictments against a high school coach and assistant coach for trying to "sell" a prized recruit to the highest bidder. In September, the NCAA issued a notice to the school alleging 11 major violations including multiple instances of recruits and assistant coaches receiving cash, vehicles and loans from boosters already known to have provided impermissible benefits, and lack of institutional control (among other charges). The university attempted to avoid NCAA sanctions by self-imposing penalties of 15 scholarships over 3 years and temporary disassociation with three boosters referenced in the allegations; however, it did not impose a postseason bowl ban. The NCAA ruled that the self-imposed sanctions were not harsh enough and that "these violations are some of the worst, most serious that have ever occurred," and, in February 2002, issued the following penalties:[29] A ban from postseason bowl games for 2 years A loss of 21 scholarships over 3 years The requirement of the program and university to permanently disassociate from the boosters in question (or face more penalties) 5 years of probation In referencing the possibility of receiving the death penalty, then-chairman of the NCAA Infractions Committee, Thomas Yeager, stated:
  6. I can't fathom how anyone could defend a football coach who trotted this play out in a major college football game.
  7. Ole Miss wins. Not sure about Ark.- GA, although I would dance an Irish jig if the hogs beat the mutts.
  8. Ok, I get it. Two more guys who have no idea why the guy was fired.
  9. Last weekend, Bo Nix went 2-for-9 for 10 yards passing and averaged 1.1 yards per attempt when under pressure, which resulted in a 33.3 PFF passing grade for Nix. On the other hand, TJ Finley went 6-for-8 for 68 yards passing, 1 TD, & averaged over 8.5 yards per attempt, which resulted in a 92.1 PFF passing grade when under pressure. Finley also led the only TD drive for the Tigers last weekend and injected a different level of energy in a stagnant team, which cannot be understated.
  10. Maybe some of those kids from GA State would be interested in transferring🙄
  11. Yeah, I highly doubt that's the case either. People normally get fired for a small number of reasons. They don't perform their job up to expectations, they're late to meetings, job etc., they are not doing what's asked of them, or they are insubordinate. Of course you also have the few that are scapegoats for the failings of the boss. If the latter one is what happened here it will eventually come to light. If it's any of the former ones we may never know.
  12. I'd like to know why he was fired myself, but reality is we may never know. I'd bet the mortgage Sammie doesn't either.
  13. I didn't say they don't know who he is. I said they don't know him. There's a difference. But, I digress, I guess Harsin should have probably ran the decision by Sammie first. 🙄
  14. I doubt it. Most of the kids playing WR at Auburn probably don't even know Sammie Coats. Yeah, maybe he's been to a few practices, or games, but if he's not privy to the inner workings of the new staff, he's just squawking like many others in this forum
  15. You say it's dumb. I don't. Truth is he more than likely has no idea why he was fired. So, maybe he should just shut up until he does.
  16. Well, in truth Sammie is not there. Not in meetings etc. So, probably should just keep his mouth shut
  17. There's a difference in arm talent between the two for sure. I would hope that's obvious, and not debatable. Bo has made some outstanding throws, and we have won some big games with him at QB. Where the problem lies is his accuracy on a consistent basis. I saw one throw in the AL. State game that is most indicative of what you get with Bo at QB. In that game he had Hunter wide open down the right sideline on a wheel route. A well placed pass, and it's an easy touchdown. The throw was to the outside shoulder however, and led Hunter out of bounds on the play. Hunter caught the ball for about a thirty yard gain, but technically it was not a good pass. No one seemed to pay attention to the play because it resulted in a big gain in a blowout game, yet those are the kind of plays that you must take full advantage of against better competition. One thing I do know is that every other team we play this year will stack the box, and make the QB beat them with plays down the field. I'm not about to speculate on if Finley is the guy to do that. I'll let the coaches, who know a hell of a lot more than I do make that call. Let's just say that based on the body of work I have little confidence that Bo can consistently do that at this point. I have been a big defender of Bo in the past, because i felt in Malzahn's " One read, and run for your life system," he was the best we had.
  18. I've gone out on the ledge, and predicted Ole Sis wins the West. Just sucks that this year when it looks like they have the best chance to knock the turds off their perch that they have to play them in Tuscaloosa.
  19. No apology needed. Another evaluation miss by Gus. The man wouldn't know QB talent if he tripped over it. He wanted Joey because he looks like Tarzan. Gus still looking for that big QB that can get you that third, and four run even when facing an eight man front. Unless my memory fails me, Gatewood wasn't even the starter in high school.
  20. Like this kids vision, and pad level. I'll take him.
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