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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Well, that was dumb. Bad decision to throw that ball.
  2. Yeah, I just don't get why he doesn't drive the ball more.
  3. If I had a dollar for every three Cambridge missed I'd never have to work again
  4. I remember something about that. Didn't Oliver leave Auburn for Bama just prior to that season?
  5. Met Pat on the sidewalk at Barons' Corner at the old Midway Plaza. I was 8 years old at the time. Such a nice guy, and always was total class. Hard to wrap my mind around the fact he is no longer with us. If I ever had a hero growing up he was it. Pat was Auburn to me then, and truly still is to this day.
  6. Well, basketball officials are no better than football ones. Call a foul on that block, yet we can't buy a foul on a drive in the paint.
  7. What you said. I've been saying all year we are painfully slow in the secondary. Our receiving corps scares no one.
  8. That's no catch Ark. Just got hosed
  9. LOL, yeah. I've spent a lot of time in East Baton Rouge Parrish back in my younger days. It's ok for a visit, but wouldn't want to live there. I spent some time in East Texas as well a few years back. It became a running joke amongst the work crew that no one had to tell you when you crossed the state line back into Louisiana from Texas. Anyway, enough said.
  10. I know Norman, OK isn't exactly fifth avenue, but I couldn't begin to dream of a scenario where I would leave there for that mosquito infested hole that is Baton Rouge. It's a swamp with some bridges built over it. The septic tank of the South.
  11. It's pathetic, but exactly the kind of crap I expected when they instrumented the stupid rule. They are giving subjective interpretation to a group of people who can't consistently decide what holding is, or pass interference. What is called PI on one team is the same thing that is just a routine play for another. WR's are allowed to push off to create separation with regularity, and you may see three offensive interference calls made in an entire season. Officiating across all of college football is simply trash. We have a game that generates millions of dollars in TV money, coaching salaries etc., yet is basically officiated by part time amateurs.
  12. Corn dogs taking turds to the wire
  13. This game is 100% Bobo, and Harsin. Offensive play calling has been atrocious
  14. Are we going to throw the ball between the hash marks today?
  15. I'll be so glad when we move on from the Commercial Broadcasting System
  16. Need to go 4 wide on first down, and quit waiting until 2nd, and long, or third down to do it. Intermediate passes on first down changes this game.
  17. Too much tight formations on offense. Need to spread these guys out some.
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