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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Finally got lucky. I can hit one out of ten, and I'm 60 years old
  2. Cambridge couldn't throw a rock in the water off a bridge
  3. Just ruined my day to hear this. Prayers for his family.
  4. Count me as one who wishes Zep would shoot more often
  5. Hell, I'll take the job. I'll start tonight.
  6. Well, losing games you are supposed to win was called Clemsoning for at least a decade. When it comes to running a football program, Auburning should be in next year's version of the Webster Dictionary.
  7. Wasn't able to watch today, but the stat sheet is pretty telling. When you only have ten assists by the whole team in an entire game, and the other team shoots 29 free throws I'd say you're lucky to win.
  8. I predicted some of this was going to happen when Harsin was hired. Auburn football has been one big country club for at least a decade. I knew all that was about to change, and Wooten just confirms it. A great many of these kids have been coddled, and told how they are God's gift since probably the seventh, or eighth grade, and I'm sure it comes as quite a shock to them to have to get off your ass, go to work, and be held accountable for your effort 24-7.
  9. Bilas hasn't given any insight on the game at all, other than commenting on the officiating. He's been wrong on that most of the night as well.
  10. Cambridge on the 3 point shot should have to keep his bullet in his pocket like Barney Fife
  11. His offense has always been questionable at best, but seems something else is going on with him.
  12. War Damn KD Johnson. You're the baddest man on this team.
  13. Jaylin should be getting the bulk of the minutes. Flannigan is a liability.
  14. We play some of the dumbest basketball sometimes
  15. Piss poor defense, worse shot selection. We deserve to be down.
  16. I said I knew the females dude. Nice try though
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