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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Robby is going to have to play a lot to win this game. O line cannot protect TJ
  2. Don't even mention that. God, I hate GA worse than I hate boiled cabbage.
  3. This backup QB for free shoes looks pretty good.
  4. It's a big game for Harsin for sure, but nowhere near the most important game in the last 20 years. It won't be catastrophic to lose, but should breathe some life, and more importantly confidence into the team should we win. I've seen seasons turn on much lesser games.
  5. Good luck dude. What you, and the rest of your dental challenged fan base fails to realize is that the rest of the country could not care less about you gumps. Most of you are just a redneck caricature. Harvey Updyke was a perfect example of about 95% of your fan base. Aren't you missing rasslin while you're wasting your time here?
  6. Yep, the days of redshirting entire classes of linemen are over. That was some of the reason for their prior success. When you played Nebraska you were playing grown men.
  7. Turds in the punch bowl are never welcome at any parties I know of.
  8. Well, I'm just beyond heartbroken to hear that. Remind me again, why are you even here?
  9. LOL, A bama fan, a team that a few short years ago that went seven complete games without one being called, complaining about holding not being called. This must be the Twilight Zone.
  10. If I was 6'7", and 250 I wouldn't slide if king Kong was trying to tackle me
  11. Wait, is Gus calling plays at UCF this year. I can never remember whether he calls plays in even, or odd years. 🤔
  12. That's a lot of words to say, " I don't know a damned thing, but I'll write about it anyway."
  13. Can we finally get that SMDH reaction emoticon added to this site?😁 Asking for several friends.
  14. His post wasn't meant to be logical. It was a backhanded stab at Harsin. If there's nothing to complain about currently he'll search the woods until he finds something.
  15. Been impressed by the Tech secondary. Some of it probably because Ukalele sucks.
  16. Not to mention the false start by the RT on the same play.
  17. Tech getting hosed by the refs. Can't stand that Gump Dabo
  18. Well, da voodoo work sometime, sometime it don't.
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