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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Why do you catch the ball on the five yard line? Come on son!
  2. Can't run the ball at all. Inexperienced QB, who stares down receivers is a recipe for disaster.
  3. Play call had nothing to do with that. We can't block on first, and ten, much less third, and fifteen
  4. Yep, give him Saban, or Kirby's roster, and he may never lose a game.
  5. At least then after almost 30 years we'd actually scare somebody with a passing attack.
  6. Not a shock to me. Was just thinking the other day, with all this talk going around about hiring Deion, or Lane, if you're going to hire a coach out of Mississippi you might as well hire the best one in the state currently. That being Mike Leach.
  7. If Auburn fires Harsin, and loses this guy it will be a major loss.
  8. In my best Tommy Chong voice, " Where can I get some of that magic dust man?"
  9. Coaching carousel continues.
  10. All this talk about shoes, and shirts. I thought I stumbled into the vogue magazine forums by mistake.
  11. Halfback passes, or flanker passed work quite frequently in the RedZone. If it had worked you'd all be talking about what a great play call it was. I'm also one who thinks it's time to let Harsin go up the road, but at least I call what I see fairly.
  12. I didn't say he was dude. I just don't overreact to every play call that doesn't work.
  13. The fourth, and then, and eleven calls were dumb. The trick play that backfired was not.
  14. These guys on here hate Harsin so much they'll blame the Kennedy assassination on him before the night is over.
  15. Come on folks. Good play call. Bonehead play. If it worked you'd all be as happy as kids at the fairgrounds.
  16. He gave up on the scoop and score in the first half too. Don't think I didn't see it
  17. If that was PI then Alabama should forfeit all their remaining games
  18. LSU stopped their own drive by trying to pass the ball.
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