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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Well, I live in a small town in N GA that could easily be mistaken for Mayberry. However, in "Mayberry" we have a hell of a lot more class, and chivalry than to attack what another man's child chooses to wear to a football game. I have a suggestion for Mr. 24. If he doesn't like the way Harsin's daughters dress maybe he should take it up with Mr. Harsin personally, instead of calling someone classless from his basement. Let me know how that one works out.
  2. Really? That's the hill you choose to die on? Bama had 17 penalties, most of the self inflicted, but if every pass interference was called committed by #14 in white they should have had 22.
  3. If they beat the mutts I'll buy one of those orange shirts and wear it for a year
  4. Don't think so. I watched Otis Anderson run for about 900 yds by himself against us back in the late seventies.
  5. Unless you are Alabama They get away with a whole other level of pass defense than everybody else. At least with SEC refs. Remember a few years ago when Clemson beat them down in the championship game? I think they had pac 12 refs in that game. Called PI three times on AL in the first two drives. I knew immediately the Turds were in trouble that night.
  6. I formation football inside the five. I like it.
  7. I'll be surprised if we beat W. Kentucky. This team has quit, or in the process of quitting right now.
  8. What was Pappoe doing there? Wasn't even blocked
  9. They have several different ones too, and they all look good.
  10. Yeah, I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Deion myself. Auburn needs some kind of an anomaly to attract talent. Chizik had some good recruiters on staff initially. Gus was able to attract some talent on the offensive side because of the perception of him being an offensive guru. I could get on board with trying Deion with the hope he could take recruiting to the level we need. After all, if he's not a success it's not my money😁
  11. Not singling you out sir, but I think a lot of people are missing an important point regarding recruiting. I don't feel it's entirely necessary to compete with Kirby, and Nick head to head. By that I mean that we are not going to out recruit Kirby in GA, nor Nick in AL. We can hope to maybe win a battle, or two, but I think what's important is for us to win battles in our usual recruiting strong holds against everybody else. Clemson has been a thorn in our side in our own backyard for several years now. FL State is winning more recruiting battles against us than they should as well. Add in Tennessee, Ohio State, and a few others and that's where the problem truly lies I believe. If we can pull in a couple against Bama, and GA, and consistently beat the rest we will see the level of athletes here dramatically increase.
  12. So, I take it you're not one of the candidates being considered for the AD job? I feel better already.
  13. UT has played well this season, and are dangerous offensively, but they have yet to prove to me they have the athletes at enough positions to handle the Turds. Hope they have, but pardon my skepticism. If they can stop the Turds ground game maybe they win.
  14. He gone. NFL more than likely, either way I'd bet a certain valued part of my anatomy that he won't be playing at Auburn next year. If we don't play this upcoming coaching change with a lot more intelligence than we have in the past I suspect we may lose a ton of other underclassmen.
  15. I was referring to Stoops at Kentucky, but yeah Gus is where he needs to be as well😁
  16. Probably right, but a little success changes the metrics, and expectations. That being said, he's exactly where he needs to be.
  17. Yep, if he keeps losing he may just get canned before Harsin.
  18. GM is as much to blame for the lack of talent on this team as Harsin. Maybe more so.
  19. 14-0 at the half. Auburn is technically still in the game, yet the team looks defeated. That's a telling indictment of where we are as a program.
  20. It's official. He's daring Auburn to fire his a$$
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