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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. At this point if Bruce has any walk-ons on the bench who can reasonably shoot the basketball I say play them.
  2. For a guy who's Dad is a coach Flan should at least display a better basketball IQ. I know the kid is trying, but geez.
  3. I guess BP offense is basically ball screens, and pick, and roll? Only problem is you have guards who can't shoot, bad passers, and basically forwards who are just not good with the ball in their hands. Broome is pretty good, but so far I haven't seen that he can pull up, and hit the intermediate jump shot with any consistency.
  4. Sorry, forgot fast break don't look at wide open guy under basket- try to make miracle shot on your own.
  5. Dribble- ball screen- miss Hog ball- throw up brick
  6. Neither are very good fundamentally.
  7. Gonna be a long season with this bunch. I expect Bruce will sign him some shooters this year. He should have found a couple for this season, but alas.
  8. It's funny you just posted that. I can remember the first time I saw Ashley run on to the field I thought that guy had to be overrated. He ran so stiff that it got my attention immediately. I can remember thinking I hope he actually has a different gait, and is just loafing.
  9. I knew we weren't getting Mitchell as soon as I found out where he was from. I haven't lived in Alabama for forty years now, but I can still predict with about 80% accuracy whether we have a chance with a kid by what town he's from😁
  10. Thound like thumbody been mokin that bluegrath.
  11. Technically, I would say that Tulane has a better resume than Alabama. At least they have more quality wins.
  12. I'd take Hartman, or Sims, and I'll go pick them up.
  13. Wow! I have admired Freeze's coaching from afar for several years. Love watching his teams play, but had never actually heard him speak. I can see why the guy has won everywhere he has been. Like the previous poster said, it's evident that Auburn is the dream destination for him. That should carry a lot of weight on the recruiting trail. Much easier to sell a product you actually love. Hope he brings us much success.
  14. No, she doesn't know. Just repeating what she's heard.
  15. He didn't touch it, and the review should have seen that had they looked at several different angle shots. Keep in mind that on such an important play the review was one of the shortest reviews I've seen all year. Another writer I read noticed this as well. He stated that the review took all of 30 seconds. We older Auburn fans have seen this kind of crap in Bama games for at least 50 years. We lost last year on a drive that included blatant holding of at least two Auburn defensive linemen in the end zone no less. Bama's left tackle last night was auditioning for an episode of dancing with the stars on nearly every pass play.
  16. Yep, he's who I wanted in 2013. Afraid that ship sailed long ago.
  17. Damn. Wisconsin wins the coaching carousel sweepstakes. Auburn continues to be stupid.
  18. LSU on upset alert tonight.
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