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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. If TCU doesn't figure out how to get some pressure on Bennett this game is going to be really ugly. Big mistake to only rush 3-4
  2. Eagle-1


    He may very well be successful. Still does not change my opinion of him, and the fact I'm glad he's nowhere near Auburn. Maybe my wording of my previous statement on Deion was not exactly the best, but I was trying to convey the fact that Deion has always been much more interested in promoting Deion than he has the organizations he's been affiliated with. His first talk with the team at Colorado illustrated this better than I could ever do myself. It wasn't about Colorado, and the great things we all could do here. It was all about "Me." Maybe it's just a difference in how you look at things. I was always taught to be humble, and let your actions speak for you rather than constantly blowing your own horn. Is that wrong? I don't know, but count me among those that it rubs the wrong way.
  3. Eagle-1


    Well, 2023 is an odd year after all.. Doesn't Gus give up play calling in odd years? I get confused.
  4. Call me crazy, but I'd like to see Bruce play Broome at the 4 with Cardwell at 5 on occasion.
  5. Wish I could interview him. I would love to know just exactly what is "Holding" when you have on a crimson jersey.
  6. No way this kid can play at Auburn. What is this turning, and looking for the ball thing he's doing?
  7. I had kinda resolved myself to that. Figured there will be several more in the portal after spring ball.
  8. Eagle-1


    " He coming though." Deion, while a great athlete, has always been a punch line. He cares not about Colorado, Jackson State, HBCU'S, or much of anything else save for Deion. I for one am more than overjoyed not to have that clown anywhere near Auburn.
  9. I'm in that old guy club myself. Vince was a great guy. My Mom was office manager for Dr. Walker in Opelika. They delivered Vince, and Barbara's kids. Mom, and Barbara were friends. This new generation of GA fans are some of the worst fans of any school anywhere. I've been to games at every stadium in the SEC, except A&M. The only place I've ever had any trouble was at GA back in the 90's. A couple of students ran up behind my pregnant wife, and knocked the Auburn cushions out of her hands, nearly knocking her down. I only was able to catch one of them, but I bet he hasn't harassed anyone else's wife to this day.
  10. I've lived in GA most of my life. There's nothing about that school I don't hate.
  11. You apparently don't live in GA
  12. I loathe everything about GA.
  13. This kicker doesn't have great range.
  14. One thing you can't do. Give them a cheap one. Crap
  15. That's why they are commentators. Too stupid to do anything else. AL, and GA do not produce NFL talent. They recruit it.
  16. Has no business being a head coach. Needs somebody like little Nicky to keep him from being stupid
  17. In rather unrelated news, how much longer before the natives begin to get restless in Orlando?? Gus laid his annual bowl game egg.
  18. What Liepold has done with Kansas is quite remarkable.
  19. Broome is the best player we have, and it's not even close.
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