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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Hate to admit, but Bama is an impressive looking basketball team. First time I've seen them play this year. Going to take some guys playing above their heads to beat this bunch.
  2. Love the fact we aren't jacking up threes
  3. Just got home a couple of minutes ago. Like our movement without the basketball from what I've seen so far.
  4. Football is just as bad. Probably worse actually.
  5. You should be able to score more than 43 points in 40 minutes if you're playing 5 on 7. Just awful.
  6. Now you know why Tennessee is the #1 defense in the nation. SEC officials suck.
  7. One thing I'm sure of. Tennessee is not the #2 team in the country. A team that can shoot the basketball would light them up.
  8. Bruce needs to re-think this team. 2-24, yet he continues to let them throw them up. It's embarrassing
  9. How do you catch the ball in the paint with no one within three feet of you, and not shoot a turn around? Wow!
  10. I really hate this high ball screen offense. We never set off the ball screens to free up a shooter. Oops sorry, got to have a shooter first.
  11. Jaylin Williams needs to get his butt under the basket. He's been playing the entire game 25' from the basket.
  12. Has potential. Just doesn't play smart at all. If I didn't know better you could never convince me he's a coach's son.
  13. Reminds me of trying to land a quarter on those glass plates at the Fair
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