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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. Oh, I have no misconception. Cheating is a way of life with that bunch. Been doing it for decades. Nicky Jr. over here in Athens is taking it to another level as well.
  2. Yeah, SMU was miles ahead of everybody with their NIL program. Well, except for Dodge Charger U
  3. In my time there were no camcorders, or cell phones. Of that I'm truly grateful.
  4. This is why it's so hard being an Auburn fan. We just can't have nice things I guess. Of all the players to be involved in this mess it has to be Hunter, and Wooden? Good Lord.
  5. I understand that they already have a QB who will probably be drafted after this coming season, so TJ might just get another slap in the face when he gets there.
  6. Funny you say that. That's exactly who I had in mind when I typed it.
  7. I was hoping that with all the changes to collegiate sports, Transfer Portal, NIL, men in women's speedo's, that at least we could wear a different colored helmet once in a while.
  8. Oh, I'm sure it is. When I was at Auburn I think tuition was around $350 - quarter. Used books from the used book store probably totaled about 450? I was working full time as well at the rate of about $4.00/hr. I knew a lot of guys who survived on spam sandwiches. Back then you could get a pretty good meal at Thornton's dining hall for about two fifty. I had a girlfriend who was a cocktail waitress at one of the local watering holes. She would make more money waiting tables on Friday, and Saturday night than I would swinging a hammer all week. Course, my brassiere size was significantly smaller than hers. 😁
  9. You ain't see any of them blue helmets lying around?
  10. I have mixed emotions about the TP. On one hand it's a good thing because it allows players who may not be able to get enough playing time at a school to transfer somewhere that they can see the field. On the other hand I think many are using it prematurely because of impatience etc. These kids only have a limited number of years to enjoy the college football experience, so for the most part I support the TP As for the NIL I'm dead set against it. I have no problem with a limited stipend, but here's a newsflash, college is a time when you are supposed to be pretty much broke. Young people have been in that situation during their college years for decades. Personally, I don't have my degree from Auburn because my parents business was failing at the time, and I would no longer take their money for school, and I couldn't afford it on my own. If you had told me at 19 that I could have free room and board, 100% tuition, training rooms, stipend money, a nutritionist, and three squares a day, all I had to do was play football? My God, where do I sign up? So, I'll watch Auburn football because I love the school, and enjoy being entertained for a few hours on Saturday, but believe me the NIL collective will not get a dime of my little stash. Just my $.02
  11. The game has changed greatly over the last 40 odd years. OL being allowed to hold on every play has changed the dynamic of the way the game is played. The money involved, NIL, and transfer portal has changed my feelings about the game as well. I'm 60 years old now, and have realized that all sports are really pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so I'm not nearly as emotionally impacted by Auburn, or college football as I used to be. I view it now as what it actually is, entertainment. I still love Auburn, but realize if they never fielded a team again it really wouldn't affect my life very much.
  12. If it was just footwork, and making reads that's one thing, but our current crop of QB's were having trouble completing passes against air in the spring.
  13. The sooner the better. His comments tell me all I need to know. All I can tell him is he better get used to competition. He'll face it his entire life no matter what road he takes. If someone is not coveting your job it's not worth having.
  14. Personally, I think Cam Brown is a future star. Just needs a little more development, a competent QB, and to be healthy.
  15. The kid at Old Dominion threw for almost 3,000 yards last year on an absolutely terrible team. Probably an improvement over anyone currently on our roster.
  16. Apparently Sarkisian has already said Ewers is the guy. With Manning waiting in the wings I'll be surprised if Murphey stays. Dumber things have happened though.
  17. Is this the season Sean actually gets to see the field?
  18. Freeze was going to show the world nothing today, and the rain makes it even more vanilla. This offense looks nothing like you'll see in the fall I assure you. Between Freeze, and Montgomery I look for the ball in the air at least 40 times a game in the future.
  19. Great video. Nothing is better than stories about self made men. Jimmy gets a lot of ignorant innuendo from people who have no idea what they are talking about.
  20. Yeah, SEC network is showing softball instead since so many more people are interested in softball. That network is a complete joke.
  21. Travesty that Fullwood didn't get the Heisman in 86. He certainly had a Heisman worthy season
  22. I'm just sick of the fundamentally bad basketball. We don't have a single player on the team that an opposing coach should feel like he has to scheme to stop. That being said, at least you could play smart fundamental basketball. Your 6'10" center, who can't even make a free throw should never, never be jacking up three point shots.
  23. Oh, I think many of us see how they masked our guard problems. What I'm pissed about is Bruce not addressing it.
  24. Pearl= Good recruiter Coach, not so much. Sorry, that's the way I see it
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