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Everything posted by Eagle-1

  1. We don't know whether he's throwing to the wrong spots, or the receivers are running the wrong route.
  2. He's probably thinking it's coming off just how we planned it. This ain't happening by mere chance.
  3. I'm sure we're not seeing the whole package today
  4. Battie will lead the nation in kick return yardage.
  5. I'm not a fan of Neon Deion, but Colorado has looked like they belong so far.
  6. Only as a graduate without sitting a year. If I understand the new rule.
  7. He's a clown. He's always been a clown, and it will never change. Glad he's nowhere near Auburn. As I said back during our coaching search, if we hire that clown I'll find something else to do on Saturdays. Prime time my hind end. Now you know how I feel.
  8. Yeah, I ate at Cafe 123 that they made out of the old Hanies drug store several months ago. Excellent food!
  9. Back when I was young there was some really good food in the Opelika area. James Brown's came along a little later. Prior you had Andy's, Walt's Seafood, and in the Valley area you had The White House, Barnes, The Triangle, and Cofield's.
  10. Meat, and Three. Hmm let's see, James Brown's maybe? I've been gone from Opelika since 83, so not terribly familiar with all the establishments. My wife, and I still have some family there, but don't get down as often as we used to.
  11. I went to Opelika. Had a fairly young assistant coach that was the one who monitored the weights. I think he was actually trained as a trainer at the college level. Can't say too much positive about the rest of the coaching staff back then though.😁 They actually fired the head coach, and most of the assistants not too long after I graduated, and Hired Joe Wilson, who had played at Opelika back in the fifties. He was hired back to Opelika from Ashburn GA. Coach Wilson turned Opelika from a perineal loser into a winning program.
  12. Been doing that for years. When I played high school football in the late seventies, early eighties, they would weigh us before, and after morning practice. If you lost more than eight pounds in the morning, and didn't replace it by the afternoon you were not allowed to practice the evening practice. That was during two a days. Once we reduced down to one practice a day they weren't quite as concerned.
  13. Watching it I'm reminded why Tre Mason was essentially washed up after a couple of years in the NFL. He was ran to death here at Auburn.
  14. MMW, Auburn still has a mathematical chance to win the West on Nov.1
  15. That new contract afforded him the opportunity to get lazy in recruiting. That 2017 team was arguably the high water mark of Gus' time at Auburn. Three years later with the talent on the roster quite depleted he's fired. The opposite directions of the two programs after that game has been maddening.
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